Smart Space-Age Eyeglasses Replace Heads-Down World of Smartphones

by Jason O’Neil



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/12/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 96
ISBN : 9798823039345

About the Book

In this novel a small Virginia-based company, Savivision, invents a revolutionary pair of eyeglasses which replaces the smartphone, smart watch and earbuds/hearing aids. The design team has developed an AI-based product with twodozen space-age functions including heads-up displays. Several prototypes are developed and given to individuals on a trial basis. These eyeglasses use the “SAVI” voice command to access the Internet and thousands of applications “to make wearers smarter than Einstein.” The Savivision eyeglasses are so powerful they can’t be worn by students taking exams or job interviews. They play an important role in college enabling liberal arts students to learn technical trades for useful employment in the digital economy. Before long, the invention makes huge contributions in the fields of engineering, transportation, medicine, manufacturing, education and sports. A googles version is used by the Navy Seals. Savivision can also be worn on a lanyard to avoid the tragedy of a heads down world of billions of smartphones. The demand requires a secondary production source in Canada. And it gets a terrific boost in sales due to a popular Saturday Night Live monologue. In the end, it’s clear that America has developed another communications product which makes the world smaller, smarter, hopefully, wiser.

About the Author

JASON O’NEIL has published 33 books on subjects as varied as new aircraft and vehicles, debunking global warming caused by man, halting aggression in Asia and the Middle East and ending the Slavery of Socialism in America.