Investing for Social Impact and Personal Transformation

by Georgetta Robinson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/02/2025

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 134
ISBN : 9798823041263

About the Book

Investing for social impact is more than just a financial strategy—it’s a path toward personal transformation and global change. By aligning your investment choices with your values, you can contribute to social, environmental, and economic progress while experiencing greater satisfaction in your financial journey. By embracing social impact investing, you’re not only building wealth for yourself, but you’re also creating a ripple effect of positive change that can uplift communities, protect the environment, and shape a better future for all.

About the Author

Georgetta A. Robinson, has been described as a leader with a clear sense of purpose and urgency when faced with diverse situational challenges. Previously she served as the Special Projects Officer and Officer in Charge (OIC) at the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. She oversaw the program portfolio for Reserves Affairs in the Contingency development and integration group. Georgetta also served as the Department Head for the National Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Role III Multinational Medical Unit in Kandahar, Afghanistan. She has also worked intricately on national coverage policy decisions; quality standards and measurements; and health disparities public reporting initiatives, language access, training, contracts, assistive technology and emergency management for Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in her civilian position. Her unique and primary interests directly correlate to the several committees which she participated while working with the federal government such as the 2020 Health Information Technical committee, Federal Collaborative on Health Disparities Research, and the National Partnership for Action to End Health Disparities. Dr. Georgetta Robinson, owner and CEO of Providential Management, Marketing, and Educational Services focuses on strategies that incorporate both financial gain and social entrepreneurship that are aimed at creating a positive impact on society through business ventures, training, education, research, operational strategies, and support to establish both brand management and customer culture. Per Dr. Robinson, research shows that the most successful businesses change with consumers’ culture which is consistently shifting based on laws, educational research, and technology as well as social norms. She is also the owner and CEO of Providential Realty and Trust, which has been in business for over 17 years which focuses on acquiring real estate assets and providing quality rental services to the Maryland/Tennessee areas. She currently is a lifetime member of the University of Maryland National Alumni Association and also served on the University of Maryland Eastern Shore Business and Technology Alumni board; the Towson University Women and Leadership Alumni board; the Towson University Women and Leadership Alumni council, Boys Hope Girls Hope Baltimore Mentoring program committee chair, The National Association of Mental Illness and Public Policy Program Committee. She currently serves as the President of Young Government Leaders, a council member of the National Small Business board, presiding on the Economic Council and the Healthcare Leaders Association of Maryland, Government Affairs Committee.