Bookstore Fundamentals


This mix of strategically-aligned bookselling and marketing services will help you with your promotional and sales efforts. With bookstore placement and direct-selling tools, this grouping contains the fundamental tools for selling your book.

With this service, you receive:

  • Marketing Kit - Word-of-mouth marketing is key to generating high book sales. Use the 100 postcards, 100 bookmarks, and 100 business cards to build awareness of your book wherever you go.
  • Book Copies - Having copies of your book readily available is critical to your bookselling efforts. We’ll include 10 book copies to help ensure that you have enough books on hand for direct sales.
  • Booksellers Return Program (12 Months)

Call 0800 0148641 or +44 20 3695 6322 (Intl) to order

or speak to a AuthorHouse UK team member for more information about this service

Disclaimer: Prices listed do not include applicable taxes (such as sales, use, excise, value-added, goods and services, or other tax), which will be added to the total at the time of purchase. Prices listed do include the copies of the book; the cost of shipping and handling will be calculated and charged after your book is made available for sale.