

Achieve a picturesque book cover with the Plus Package

No one will even consider judging your book by its cover. With the Plus Package, if you want the highest level of attention made for your book cover, this one’s for you. Enhance your self-publishing journey with more incredible features, including the advanced cover design, cover copy polish, an option to set your book’s retail price, a video and podcast interview, and more! The Plus Package has all the features of the Essential Package but is for more devoted authors looking to put in more time and energy.

The Perfect Book Cover and Title

Benefit from valued time dedicated to your book cover with advanced cover design. Our design team of professionals will work with you to create the perfect visual that fits your story entirely. The same goes for your book’s title. If you haven’t settled on a book title and want the best possible title for your book, our professional copywriters will come up with one with care and attention.

Your Book. Your Price.

You’ve worked hard to write your book, and with the Plus Package, you can name its price. Sometimes, a price change can be a viable option to compete with similar books in the marketplace. We want you to have that option if you may need it in the future.

Promoting the Podcast Way

Be featured on the podcast segment Book Round-up of the podcast, The Book Connection. You’ll receive a video interview promoting your published work. Exposure in many different mediums helps with seeking more eyes on your book and allows you to learn how to sell your book better.

“Having the final say about my manuscript was probably what I valued most, along with the fantastic support from everyone associated with AuthorHouse. My journey was so much more enjoyable because of those people and the help and advice they gave throughout the process.”

- Angela Preston of Opening Doors

More than a Publisher

AuthorHouse is the largest self-publisher committed to creating an amazing publishing experience. Here is what's included in the Plus Package:


  • Paperback Publishing - Your book will be available in the most popular format, made of quality, perfect binding, and acid-free library stock paper.
  • Digital Formatting and Distribution - Your book will be distributed online as an e-Book and available through significant resellers like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
  • Hardcover Publishing - Your hardcover edition will be perfectly bound with a rigid paperboard and finished with a beautiful dustjacket or in a sturdy case-bound volume with high gloss lamination (for Full-Colour books).


  • Editorial Assessment- This preliminary diagnostic process determines which areas of your manuscript need improvement. A detailed review with commentary and general editing suggestions of the first chapter, or about 1,700 words, will be provided to help you gauge what type or level of editing will benefit your manuscript.

Production and Post Production Features

  • Worldwide Online Distribution - Your book will be available for sale online through external retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other resellers that may pick up your book from the Ingram and Baker & Taylor distribution networks.
  • Custom Cover Design - A cover designer is assigned to your manuscript and, with some consultation and direction, designs a few cover options based on your vision and lets you pick which one best fits your book.
  • Electronic Galley - Also referred to as “galley proof,” this is your cover and manuscript in a book layout with chapters and pagination. To ensure the final book design is 100% to your liking, galleys are e-mailed to you for review and approval before the book is ready for purchase.
  • 75 Image Insertions - You may provide imagery for your book's interior pages, which will be printed either in grayscale or full colour (for Full-Colour Books).
  • Two rounds of Interior Revisions - You may want to make changes to your manuscript after proofreading your galley. Each block of revisions allows you to submit up to 50 corrections. Publisher errors such as hyphenation, formatting issues, or misplaced graphics, which occurred during production, must also be noted on the proof form but will not count against the first 50 corrections.
  • Custom Page Design - You will have a say in creating visually appealing page designs bringing your story to life, and building your book's layout that fits your needs.
  • Two rounds of Cover Revisions - Have any tweaks you'd like to make to your cover? You have the option to make changes at no additional cost.
  • Amazon "Look Inside", Google, and Barnes & Noble "Read Instantly" Previews - Allow readers to take a peek inside your book creating interest online before purchasing it. Preview available on Amazon, Google, Barnes & Noble, etc.
  • Cover Copy Polish - Find the perfect title for your book that fits its essence while also creating intrigue and interest among readers with professional in-house copywriters.
  • Enhanced Metadata Listing - Optimised metadata and keywords potentially help your book gain visibility in Amazon search results, so readers discover your book.


  • ISBN Assignment - A 13-digit identifier is unique to your book and an industry requirement for distribution and retail sales. It allows distributors, retailers, printers, and readers to find and order your book easily.
  • US Copyright Registration - AuthorHouse registers your work with the US Copyright Office with copyright registration, so there’s a public record of your ownership of that manuscript.
  • UK Legal Deposit - The legal deposit is a system that helps ensure that the nation’s published output is preserved and available for future generations of readers.

Copies of Books

  • 500 Promotional Digital Bookstubs - As part of your marketing plan, offer promotional copies of your e-book using digital Bookstubs.
  • £850.00 Credit for your First Book Order - Use your one-time single-use book credit to order paperbacks, hardcovers, or both on your author book order.

Marketing Features

  • £400 Credit for Marketing Services - Get a one-time use £400 credit that can be applied as a discount for future marketing services for your book.
  • Author Website Setup (6 pages) with One Year of Hosting - Receive a professional author website that fits your style and is where readers can go to discover your book and learn about you as an author.
  • 1 Additional Year of Website Hosting - We'll handle your website's domain registration, renewal, and hosting.
  • New Releases Section on the AuthorHouse Bookstore - Have your book featured in our online bookstore’s ‘New Releases’ section spotlighting it for a limited time upon its publication date.
  • Print-Ready Bookmarks Design File - These are the PDF files of bookmark design so you can print bookmarks at home or through a local printer to be used for promotional events.
  • Book Sales Savvy Guide - With helpful exercises and practices, this marketing guide can give you the confidence and skills you need to draw bookstores to sell your book.
  • Social Media Kit - In this kit, you'll have everything you need to grow your social media presence, including page creation, custom banners, etc. With the rise of content creation and brand deals, a social media kit can help promote your book and connect with the right readers.
  • Half Page Feature on Bookmad - Enjoy the limelight from your author spotlight feature in Bookmad, a digital magazine dedicated to publishing trends, highlighting new authors, and book releases.
  • Press Release Essential - We can help get the word out about your book by sending a single-page press release to 500 targeted media outlets, including TV shows, radio, online publications, and more. More exposure, more potential book sales.
  • Print-Ready Marketing Materials Design File - Are bookmarks not enough? We’ll provide you with more design support for marketing material needed for ten book events. Choose from options such as signing posters, flyers, or announcement postcards. Host a professional-looking event experience to show potential readers they should read your book.
  • Booksellers Return Programme - A typical programme in the self-publishing industry in which author books will be marked “Returnable” in the wholesaler/distributor ordering system. This is valuable to booksellers by assuring them credit for unsold bookstore copies. Ideal for authors if their books are primarily sold in bookstores, securing them more shelf space and in-store book signings.
  • Featured Book Placement on the AuthorHouse Bookstore - Share space with fellow AuthorHouse authors on our online bookstore homepage as a featured title.
  • Book Launch Social Media Announcement - We’ll give you and your book a Facebook shout-out on our platform and Bookmad’s to help promote your newly released title.
  • Video and Podcast Interview on The Book Connection - Join The Book Connection team as they round up the latest book releases and get insight direct from you - the creative mind behind your story. Your pre-recorded interview will be conducted over a Zoom video call. The published video will be 10 to 15 minutes long. It will also be available on podcast and distributed to Spotify, Apple iTunes, etc.
  • Bookstore Sell Sheet Digital File - A sell sheet is a one-page description of your book, including pertinent information that a bookseller, gift shop, or other business might want to know about your book before purchasing.

Add-on Services


Is your Book Suited for the Hollywood Screen?

Do you think your book would make a picture-perfect movie? One of the unique benefits of publishing with AuthorHouse is the opportunity to pitch your book to real-life Hollywood film industry experts. Here at AuthorHouse, we want you to succeed.

Where Do You Start?

AuthorHouse Hollywood Book-to-Screen PitchFest is for AuthorHouse-published authors to be able to pitch their stories to film and TV executives. We'll coach you and help you craft an intriguing elevator pitch of your story that appeals to producers. It's an experience of a lifetime that our authors have loved time and time again.

Learn More

Call 0800 0148641 or +44 20 3695 6322 (Intl) to order

or speak to a AuthorHouse UK team member for more information about this package

Disclaimer: Prices listed do not include applicable taxes (such as sales, use, excise, value-added, goods and services, or other tax), which will be added to the total at the time of purchase. Prices listed do include the copies of the book; the cost of shipping and handling will be calculated and charged after your book is made available for sale.