The Lion and the Queen I hope to be….

by Cindy Gilbert



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/30/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781665506205
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781665506199
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781665506212

About the Book

In life we are given several opportunities to get closer to our Dad. In this story I describe how my story is like that of the Lion and the King, a story told in India. A king is told that he will be killed and going to hell and out of his fear he tries to come up with a solution. The King finds out that if he is injured the lion who is a symbol of the devil will not kill him because the lion will not kill its prey if it is already injured. The King then decides to injure himself and therefore he will no longer fall victim to the lion because the lion likes a challenge, and the King is no longer a challenge since it is injured. The injured King then seeks to find comfort to his pain and his pain causes him to seek his creator who can heal all vessels and direct them in the righteous path or destroy the body and the soul on a lake of fire. When the King approaches his creator his creator has sympathy for him and restores him and shows him the righteous path to stay away from the Lion’ therefore giving him an opportunity to be a part of the royal family in heaven. The situation of the Lion and the King is like mine because I became injured and through my injuries came to find refuge in my Dad who is also my creator. In this book I describe in haiku, free style poetry and short stories how the Lion was out to get me, and my injury saved me causing me to get closer to my Lord and Savior also known as my Dad. This story that you are about to read is about me a child of God who received refuge and healing through our higher power.

About the Author

I am Cindy Gilbert. My ancestors come from many different places. I have been told that my family is included in the history books in Nicaragua. My mom Grace and my Dad Benji meet in a Nicaraguan prison during a revolution with the Sandinistas government. My mother Grace was a schoolteacher and municipal of the court of Nicaragua, who was recognized by a previous student of hers and let free. My mother was in a rocky marriage to the vice president’s son who had left the country when the revolution began. In prison, a love affair began with my parents as they began to speak to each other in the four doors that enclosed them together. Through the cell walls, they could hear the yelling and screaming of people as they tried to get to safety. In some ways grateful that they were in prison as outside the prison walls churches and houses were being burned down. My mother’s only hope, to get to safety was one of my father’s daughters who had access to a helicopter to get them out of Nicaragua. Soon after a journey to the United States began as my Father told my mom Grace about a life of opportunity in the United States. With only five dollars in my mom’s pocket and no knowledge of the English language, my mother began a new life in her early forties as she began to look for a job in order to raise money to bring all of her children to the United States who were left in Guatemala with her mom and dad my grandparents.