The Right and The Left

by Kenneth W. Smallwood



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/1/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781587218231
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781410719300
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781410762498

About the Book

This is a burlesque of the NLRB where Regional Director Lusignan has a theory that those engaged in oral sex are liberals and pro-union. He uses polygraph tests to find out. Conservatives and liberals clash during his employees’ union drive and some must vote tankers in the Bermuda Triangle and drive ‘69 Pintos. The leader of the Federal Association of Labor Board Agents, Marshall Rosen, refuses a promotion. Camelot Lane, a black woman attorney has a child out of wedlock by choice. She heads the Dept. of Justice’s crime-fighting unit in New Jersey and coordinates with Dero Ingleside’s investigation of unfair labor practices at Lusignan’s office. Camelot and Tommie Ann Shawgo, a Native American NLRB agent provide sexual banter against marriage and male chauvinism. Some whites believe in white supremacy and there is verbal racial sparring. Ingleside’s room was bugged and he had sex with a witness and is fired. Lusignan is fired but lands a better job and lucrative consulting contracts. In 1970, the decline of union membership began with the war of the right and left.

About the Author

I spent five years with the National Labor Relations Board as a field examiner. I was born in Newark, N.J. and served with the U.S. Army in Japan. My short story Occupational Hazard was published in Decade of Short Stories sold in the Brentano chain. I worked for six federal agencies, including the Civil Service Commission, SBA, Dept. of Labor, and EPA as an investigator and director monitoring fair employment practices. For the past twelve years I’ve been an investigator and human resources consultant in 24 states including Alaska, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, and Ohio. I am married to Lillian Marie and we have two grown children, all living in Southfield, Michigan. I am a graduate of the Newark College of Arts & Science of Rutgers University. I also attended George Washington University and Brookings Institution. My story Majority at Sea was published by The Crisis magazine.