The Inner Guide

by Jay Mazo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/1/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 380
ISBN : 9781587214929

About the Book

The Inner Guide is a spiritual work comprising 365 pages of poetic messages received in meditation and daily life. It deals with inner experiences, spiritual instructions, descriptions about saints and aspects of the Divine, words to inspire the truth seeker, and prayers for the soul's development. The book provides the reader with practical yoga techniques such as breath control methods and meditation exercises. It also gives practical hints for better results on the spiritual path. Each of the 365 pages of poetic spiritual messages is a divine call for man to utilize every day of the year for his soul's development. The purpose of The Inner Guide is to provide truth seekers with daily inspiration on the path of self realization.

About the Author

The author, Jay Mazo, and his wife, Gabriele, learned meditation together from Sivabalayogi in Bangalore, India, during the 1970s. In 1973, a book about spiritual experiences called The Inner Guide was published in Bangalore. They married in India, in 1975, and returned to America where Jay received a Masters Degree in History from Brooklyn College. He served as a New York City High School teacher from the 1980s until they both retired in 1995. After they moved to Arizona, an expanded version of The Inner Guide was published in 1998. Meditation gives joy to their contemplative lifestyle. Jay's website writings are at this website: