Serpent Island

by Douglas R. Barker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/18/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781587217074

About the Book

A loud cry echoed across the partially frozen lake as a warrior announced to all that he was again victorious in his hunt for the elusive black bear. Spring had arrived early this year and the thaw had begun. The man knelt and severed one of the bear s ears with his knife and tied it with sinew to his buckskin belt. The young warrior had great hunting skills for his years and many a bear had adorned his belt. The warrior pulled his prize in a sled over the thinning ice on the lake to within earshot of his village as he could hear children playing in the spring sunshine. The black ice gave the illusion of walking on water. His silhouette was visible from below the ice as it was framed by the pale blue sky above. He glanced down through the ice and for a fleeting moment saw the creature of folklore smash headlong through the ice with great speed splintering the reflection of the young warrior s face. As he stood realizing it was he who had become the hunted.

The saga continues for generations and into the new millennium as the creatures of Serpent Island continue their quest for survival.

About the Author

I grew up in Massachusetts and every year I summered with my family at New Hampshire s Lake Winnepesaukee. My sister, my brothers and I would cruise the lake in search of adventures; the most thrilling of which was climbing and exploring Rattlesnake Island. Rattlesnake Mountain, as we called it, afforded an unparalleled view of the lake as we climbed the rock-strewn landscape covered with low bushes and majestic pines.

These young adventures conjured up some interesting stories, one of which was Serpent Island.