Chapter I The Tree of Life
Chapter II The Miracle of Water To Wine
Chapter III The Holy City
Chapter IV The Beasts
Chapter V 666 The Beasts
Chapter VI Daniel (Chapter 7 - The Four Beasts)
Daniel (Chapter 11)
Chapter VII The Judgment Seat of Christ
Chapter VIII Final Judgment
Chapter IX The Book of Revelation
Chapter X Born Again
A. The Garden of Eden
B. God's Character
C. The Tree of Life
D. Satan's Trap
E. Hell
F. Paradise
G. Heavens
H. What is Born Again
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And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to
receive a mark in their right hands or on their foreheads.
The people named here cover the entire population. No one is allowed to
live outside the New Order or the established system. Complete domination.
Receiving a mark on their foreheads. There has been a lot of theories on
this. I would like to introduce a new viewpoint on this. Rev. 7:4: The one hundred
and forty thousand are sealed on their foreheads. When I was born again, I was sealed
on my forehead by the Holy Spirit. This is the location of the heart. This act of sealing
means mental control and protection.
The mark in the hand would be when we actually engage physically in anything.
The old expression that you had a hand in it applies here.
The name of the beast would be like the name of the first beast, the church-
state organization.
Verse 18: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number
of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore
and six.
Count the number means an application of mathematical calculation involving
at least two or more numbers.
The number of a man means common usage of mankind in general.
The word his is applied here. I have already showed that in verses 5,6, and
7 that this was not applied in reference to one person, since it was referring to the
first beast who ruled 1260 years. The word his or him referred to the church-state
organization composed of one church, but many governments.
Verse 14: states that the second beast requires them that dwell on the
earth to make an image of the first beast which had the wound by the sword and
did live.
Of course we know an image is a representation, or even a likeness, but not
the original.
The wound by the sword. This is a very key statement. It not only established
what the first beast was, but where and how it was wounded seemingly to death.
The word sword is definently the Word of God. This is supported throughout
the Bible from Genesis 3:24 to Revelation.
Where was the first beast so wounded? In the year 1517, Martin Luther
nailed his ninety-five theses to the door of the Castle Church at Wittenberg, Germany.
This triggered the beginning of the Protestant movement. The Lutheran Church in
1530; the Presbyterian in 1541; Church of England in 1531; Congregationalist in
1602; Methodist in 1785; and so on. One group that existed from the beginning
and suffered the whole way along evolved into the name Baptist. History supports
this and curiously enough, most of history comes from the records of the Catholic
Church. The bulk of the fifty million killed during these Dark Ages were these
believers who would not bow to the first beast.
The Protestant churches came out in protest against the first beast, yet
retaining a considerable amount of 'his' religious and governmental practices.
On the mark 666, I feel I was given an insight in part. By taking the most
universal and oldest in use numbers of man, we find the navigational aids of
longitude and latitude. By a combination of one multiplied by the other, the
geographical location we find is within approximately 5 miles from Wittenberg,
Germany, where the first beast suffered what appeared to be from then till now
a mortal wound. This scripture states, however, that it will live again through the
image the second beast requires the world to build.
Thanks be to God the 'born again' believers will not be here at this time.
This time period will start the seven-year tribulation prior to the return of
Christ physically to rule during the one thousand years of millennium.