Free At Last In Paradise

by Ananda W.P. Guruge



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/17/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 716
ISBN : 9781585001361

About the Book

FREE AT LAST IN PARADISE is a historical novel on Sri Lanka. This Island nation of great antiquity had been known to the Greeks and the Romans as Taprobane, to the Arabs as Serendip, to the Portuguese as Ceilao and to the Dutch as Ceylaan. A British Colony from 1796 to 1948, it has been known as Ceylon until, as a republic in 1972, it reverted to its age-old nomenclature of Sri Lanka. Its rich culture as reflected by an astounding heritage of monuments, literature, art, religious traditions and social values has merited many scholarly works.

This is a pioneering work in that a reputed scholar-diplomat of Sri Lanka has chosen the medium of fiction to share the highlights of this heritage with the worldwide English-reading public. It is a fictography or a fictional biography which 'draws aside curtains and allows the reader to enter a world to which other authors had not been privy - one of the central character growing to adulthood and death.'

Portraying Sri Lanka's march to Independence over well nigh a century, the novel highlights the role of Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, Madame Blavatsky and other Theosophists of USA who spearheaded the struggle of this British Colony for liberation through the revival of Buddhism and nationalistic sentiments. The key characters are renowned protgs of Olcott, who continues to be hailed and honored as a foremost national leader.

'The book will be read with pleasure,' says David Vickery of Britain, 'by those who love Ceylon and introduce those who have no knowledge of the country to a fascinating society.'

About the Author

Ananda W.P. Guruge, national and international civil servant, scholar, diplomat and academic, is by far the most competent authority on Sri Lanka to tell the authentic story of the nation's achievements and failures, trials and tribulations, aspirations and frustrations. An author of over 35 books and 120 research papers and a popular international speaker on Asian history and culture with special reference to Buddhism and Hinduism, Dr. Guruge attempts for the second time to use fiction to present his insights on his country's history in a form more accessible to the general public.

Dr. Guruge served the government of his country in the early years of its evolution as an independent nation and pursued an international career in UNESCO in France, India and Thailand. His multi-channeled career culminated in diplomatic appointments from 1985 to 1994 as Sri Lanka's Ambassador to France, UNESCO and USA with non-resident accreditation to Spain, Mexico and Algeria.

Currently a resident of USA, he is a Senior Special Adviser to the Director-General of UNESCO and the Dean of Academic Affairs and Director of Religious Studies of Hsi Lai University in Rosemead, California and a adjunct professor of Buddhism and Hinduism in the California State University, Fullerton. He is proficient in English, French, Sinhala, Tamil and Hindi besides the classical oriental languages Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit.