The Son and the Earth

by James S. Kerwick



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/26/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9780759643468

About the Book

The Son and the Earth takes a prophetic look into the new Millennium. A reporter (James O’Connor) uncovers the successful assassination attempt of the President of the United States only to find a little known Senator (Samuel Smith) and many high government officials directly responsible. The Senator soon becomes President with his enormous popularity given him by a morally and economically bankrupt people. With lightning speed his powers are felt in all corners of the earth.

The Soviet Union, now allied with the United States, have their missiles of destruction pointed toward China, the last remaining country that stands between President Smith and world dominance.

In the end O'Connor finds himself standing in the long lines waiting to die in one of the many disintegration machines. Smith’s abuse of technology has renewed the horrid cries of the Holocaust as the world again is filled with the stench of unwilling death. Smith’s physical change in appearance and character soon become apparent to all those around him. Soon all will know that he is not of blood and flesh as the weakly human, but is the arch enemy of both the natural and supernatural spirit since the gray beginnings of time, for Belial has come to finalize his quest to hold mankind in perpetual torment through human bondage.

Fear not! "THE SON COMETH."

About the Author

Jim Kerwick lives in Cressona, Pa., with his wife, Pat and their two children, Kaitlin and Patrick.

He is also co-author of the screenplay "Dark House Candidate", based on this book, "The Son and the Earth," soon to be a feature film.