The Moles

by Hugo Granieri



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/1/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781585001385

About the Book


Dr. Petrelli, a well-known physician in Oklahoma City, makes a trip in his own airplane to Houston for a medical convention as he had done several times in the past. This time his wife who was also his co-pilot, feeling ill, will not accompany him. After an uneventful trip, he encounters the most bizarre beings in the most unimaginable place. That makes a profound impact on Dr. Petrelli's mind, who at a certain point during this experience, tortured by the act he has committed and his wife's illness, begins to have doubts about the reality of these events, even about his own existence and the loved ones around him. An unusual thriller, with a philosophic and psychiatric touch which will make you think about your own existence in this dimension we call Earth.

About the Author

About the Author:

Hugo Granieri, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1934, emigrated to the United States in 1962 with his wife and 3 year old daughter. An ex-medical student with a degree in Business Administration, he worked hard to build up a good status in his new country. While he was working for the Argentine Naval Attaché in Wahington D.C., he earned a degree in art and his wife a degree in Linguistics and Literature from Georgetown University. He produced, for his own collection and friends, several paintings and sculptures. A calendar with his drawings depicting historical landmarks of Alexandria, Virginia, was published in 1972. He moved to Oklahoma and finally settled in Texas in 1980. An avid reader since an early age, he has always regretted not having had enough time to put on paper (except for a few outlines) what his imagination has been dictating for years. Now retired, he has finished his first book. Currently, he is working on a collection of short stories. He lives in the northern outskirts of Houston, with his wife Liliane, a teacher, and not too far from his daughter Patricia, also a teacher, and his grand-daughters Alexa and Eliza.