Sinner Among Puritans

A Prosecutor's Story

by H. Oliver



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/3/2000

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781403318848
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781403306548
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781585000920

About the Book

     Sinner Among Puritans, A Prosecutor’s Story is a 93,737 word novel that is directed toward the adult fiction market. Although it is currently published as a print-on-demand book that can be found through online bookstores, it is available for contract to traditional houses for republication, promotion and distribution. A now retired Florida Assistant State Attorney (prosecutor) writes the book. The setting is in Indiana with the action starting in 1938, the time of the Great Depression. It is entertaining fiction with the historical aspects thoroughly research for authenticity.  Online readers that have reviewed it have given it a 5 star rating! (The novel is divided into three books. For those just interested in lawyer type stories can go directly to Book III: The Law Years; but the author feels that all readers will find the whole novel worthwhile reading.)

     Book I: The Formative Years begins in recent times with the aging prosecutor, Charlie Brentwood, nearing the end of his crime fighting career. He is trying to resolve the ghastly conflicts and traumas that have resulted from his harrowing past. He wants to leave the bad memories behind, remembering the good ones.  He is looking to find his uncertain future, something older men and women can relate too. He chooses to do this by reviewing his life. The story begins with his pregnant mother, Anna, losing her beloved mate in a tragic railroad accident.  She and her small child seek to survive during a horrendous economic depression, soon replaced by World War II. The charismatic mother and child start out as transients, but find an earthly angel in the form of nurse, Miss Mary Collins, who takes them into her home. She helps the young mother care for  Charlie’s diagnosed medical problems. This is a story that caregivers can especially relate to.  Mothers of male children will find the book even instructional. The story tastefully includes what all boys really feel and do as they grow through puberty and their teens. Mothers will not be left wondering what it is like sexually to be a boy. Parents will also learn that it is not only strangers that they have to worry about regarding abuse of their children.  

     Book II: Military/Business Years is about Charlie’s desire to be a soldier and peacemaker. Along the way he discovers the hardships of boot camp, then about the dangers that can accompany military service, including riot duty on the streets of 1960s America. While in service, he falls in love with a nurse.  They enjoy each other in ways others might find bizarre, including the awakening of his male G-Spot. For them, they see only through clean eyes and the purity of love, which later includes the conception of a child in a most memorable way.  But the birth of his daughter points out how bittersweet such a joyful event can be. Eventually Charlie becomes a trucker in business with two mentors, a husband and wife team. But at the time, he is touched by organized crime and witnesses other horrific traumas, including the drowning of a child, and a bloody murder.

     In Book III: The Law Years, the reader discovers what it is like to go through law school, then on to being a prosecutor who survives brain tumor surgery, then later survives a liver illness with controversial coffee enema therapy. Criminal cases in the book are fictional, but very realistic. The reader is taken behind the scenes of a prosecutor at work, revealing that which stuns even the most hardened in the criminal justice system. The reader gets a close look at what it is like dealing with criminals lacking inhibition or conscience. The demands and dangers of being a prosecutor are graphically revealed.  Sinner--is controversial in places with some aspects that are often unspeakable.  While entertaining, the book is full of actions that define character.  The soul of Sinner--is ultimately about the humanness in all of us, which should not be denied.

About the Author

H. Oliver was born and grew up in Clinton, a small town in west central Indiana, just a short distance from Terre Haute. This area, located in the beautiful Wabash Valley, has a long history of: agriculture, coal and aggregate mining, railroading, manufacturing, and retail commerce. The landscape is graced with dozens of covered bridges. Although this geographical area is now economically sound, it was devastated by the Great Depression of 1929 and the hardships of World War II. The author is unavoidably influenced by this dynamic place where he grew up. His family history includes working in railroading, aggregate mining, and the dump truck business of hauling sand and gravel deposited on the valley floor from a great glacier millenniums ago. H. Oliver's life has been positively influenced by the good and colorful people of this remarkable area.

H. Oliver was graduated from the well-known Indiana University School of Business at Bloomington, Indiana, in 1960. Upon graduation, he entered the U.S. Army as a 2nd Lt. After military service he returned to the Terre Haute area where he, his father and mother were in various successful business ventures through 1977, with his concentration in construction dump trucking, and his father involved in the ready-mix concrete business. Oliver holds a commercial pilot's license-instrument rated, and served as company aviation pilot for nine years. He married Jane Ann in 1971, with John being born in 1973 and Rebecca in 1976. He and his family moved to Ada, Ohio, where he earned his juris doctorate from the old Methodist law school at Ohio Northern University. During his L-3 year of law school he interned as a public defender in Lima, Ohio. He passed the Florida Bar in 1980.

After working for his law school for a year, Oliver and his family moved to central Florida, northwest of Orlando in Lake County, and continue to live in this scenic area known for its lakes, rolling hills and citrus groves. Oliver has been an assistant state attorney continually since 1982, save for a short time in private law practice.