You Need a Red Hat

by Donald Huard, Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/6/2003

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781403366528
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781403366535
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781403376398

About the Book

The red hat is worn by ladies over the age of fifty who feel an intense need to be e-womancipated, that is, to develop an independent "free swinging" lifestyle. The red hat symbolizes a grandma on the move, a grandma with friends, an auntie with flair, a widow with a future. A sophisticated red-hat lady has confidence, class and a cultured sense of humor. She resists the depressive influence of advancing age.

You Need a Red Hat offers a collection of humorous, thoughtful and incisive reflections about what it is really like to grow old. Do you find that your entire being feels like lead when you are supposed to be living the wonder of your "golden" years?

Does it take you all night long just to get started doing what you used to enjoy doing all night long? Do your aches and pains seem to be God's revenge for all of those good times you had- when you were too young to know that those were the good times?

You too, can fight the dreaded disease known as Youth Deficit Disorder. Go out and get yourself a big, bright, RED HAT.

About the Author

Donald Hurad spent his entire life taking too much of it too seriously. Now, as a septuagenarian, he looks back on his fifties and sixties and wonders why he didn't take more time out to have more fun.

He admires the ladies of the Red-Hat Society, those women over the age of fifty who are dedicated to the enjoyment of well- deserved, e-womancipated self-indulgence.

Life is too short and precious to live it overwhelmed by youth deficit-induced depression. The author applauds the red-hat ladies who are eager to enjoy it to the fullest.

Emeritus professor of psychology at Phoenix College, Dr. Hurad and his wife Margaret now thrive as retirees in the mountains near Prescott, Arizona.