Youth Deficit Disorder
Book Details
About the Book
You've Got YDD* If-- offers a collection of humorous, thoughtful and incisive reflections about what it's like to grow old. As you read the more than 200 characterizations of "maturity" in this book, you will learn that you are not alone if you find that your entire being feels like lead when you are supposed to be experiencing the wonder of the "golden" years.
Why does it take you all night long just to get started on what you used to enjoy doing all night long? Why do your aches and pains seem to be God’s revenge for all of those good times you had – when you were too young to know that those were the good times? Why is it that as you give others the special benefit of your experience, no one seems to experience any benefit?
This book provides a possible answer to these questions. Maybe you are beginning to show the symptoms of a dreaded disease. Maybe you are suffering from YDD.
*Youth Deficit Disorder
About the Author
The author regards himself as an expert on personality disorders in the rodent. He recognizes vast similarities between his furry laboratory subjects and an alarming number of his friends, colleagues and members of his own family.
Young rats and mice can learn bar pressing, efficiently navigate mazes and are capable of finding nesting places in attics. As they age, however, they become lethargic, forgetful and useless. They often get lost. So it is with Dr. Huard’s friends.
Noting these changes, Dr. Huard suspects the onset of the dreaded Youth Deficit Disorder, symptoms of which are revealed in this significant analytical publication.