Jesus-Stories of his Infancy

True Stories You Never Heard Before

by Ysatis De Saint Simon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/1/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781585004034
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781420877007

About the Book

Jesus - Stories of His Infancy is a priceless treasure of wisdom rich with stories about Jesus' childhood that most people have never heard, a book that is not only enriching to the soul but also a visual treat as it is illustrated with beautiful photos from the film A Child Called Jesus and extraordinary masterpieces of art related to the stories. Jesus - Stories of His Infancy is a small treasure chest of art, love and divine wisdom, undoubtedly a precious gift and a valuable instrument to teach true values to any child. Who can be a better teacher for children to learn about 'The Golden Rule of Life' than the Great Master of Love when He was just an infant?

A precious gift for birthdays or any other occasion but especially for Christmas since the story of Bethlehem is recounted as it truly happened. The story in the book is full of details that are not commonly known, and it is true to the testimony of those who witnessed the event, amongst others, the shepherds who were awakened by the angels and the Melker, the Rabbi from the Synagogue of Bethlehem as he described it in his report to the Jewish Sanhedrim. Undoubtedly, a story that everyone will like to tell on Christmas night to the little ones of the family so that they know what a big celebration Christmas is for the whole earth.

* Other books of Ysatis available at are Genesis 2000 and the continuation of Jesus Stories of His Infancy, The Passion and the Glory--The Greatest Love Story Ever Lived and The Era of the Antichrist all which will also be available at and in a print and hardbound version at Barnes and Noble.

About the Author

Born in a transatlantic when her parents traveled from Europe to America, Ysatis has been exposed since early childhood to people who enriched her spirit and her culture bank of knowledge. After a 'near death experience' which changed her life almost thirty years ago, she broke her contract as an actress with Universal Studios and became centered in studies of the mind, and, through art and philosophy, in the evolution of the soul throughout history. Shortly after, she was initiated into the Highest Mystery of Life.

She has written a book about this Experience, as her uncle Antoine De Saint-Exupery did himself when he found it and wrote about it in The Little Prince, a book that has been a best seller for years to which she has written a sequel called The Return of The Little Prince. It is this Experience which helped her to understand the sense of being, the essence of her Catholic religion as Jesus taught it, and gave her the true dimension of Jesus as the Christ.

Ysatis attributes her youthful and healthy aspect to the faithful practice of this Experience and of 'Inner Kung-Fu,' which she later learned from a Chinese master. Her books are thus designed to help others discover their own potential for enlightenment.

For thirty years, she has studied in depth the mysteries of early Christianity and other religions to find the Truth and essential purity which links them all, traveling extensively to different countries where she researched the mysteries of the 'Apocalypse,' of the lost and original version of 'Genesis' (as Moses wrote it)*, the mysteries of The Holy Grail Hallows, and the Cup, the Spear and the Holy Shroud of Turin, she has synthesized all of this knowledge into the practice of the 'Science of Being' as taught by Jesus the Christ and the Great Spiritual Masters of the Ages. In one fashion or another, all of her books and lectures are a reflection of this approach to life.

Ysatis feels that her life is beautiful for she has been successful in finding the Hidden Mystery which gives sense to All and in helping others to open up to their full potential so that they can also start treading the path towards their own illumination.