Inside the Auction Game

by Frank Stefanick



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/3/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781585006243

About the Book

About the Author

Between the years 1957-60, in order to work my way through college and support a family, I became a buyer/ seller at auctions. This is buying and selling was done exclusively through auctions, covering on the average of four to five auctions per week. During this period, I became intimately involved with the buying side of auctions, and to some extent knowledgeable about the selling side from the auctioneer's point of view.

After over twenty years as a Labor/Relations executive, I decided to take an early retirement. In my early 50's, I needed something to round out my life. It was natural for me to think of auctioneering due to my previous experience.

In 1981, I attended The Missouri School of Auctioneering, while my son went to The International School of Auctioneering. Upon the completion of the schools, we started an auction business.

Now after eighteen years as the auctioneer, I've seen both sides of the coin plus a lot of what's in the middle. The knowledge I've gained over both experiences, enables me to pass on to the auction buying public, the tricks of the trade. Those who buy and read the book, whether they are an experienced follower of auctions, or the beginner, will benefit.