Learning to Survive

by V.S. Brynn



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/4/1999

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781588203731
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781585006069

About the Book

Learning To Survive is a must-read work for anyone touched by cancer. It also provides an important perspective for those trying to prevent the disease. It is not a typical cancer story. Packed with survival tips, innovative ideas, and strategies for dealing with cancer, this book examines the whole process. It begins with the shock of diagnosis, the need to make decisions, treatment information, and ends with a valuable resource list. Included also is a discussion of support and nutritional options. All individuals concerned about their health could benefit from this book.

The author had an advanced case of breast cancer and she wants to share what she has learned about surviving. Recently diagnosed patients should find the work to be of great comfort and use. The book offers friends and families of cancer patients an easily comprehensible overview of having the illness; several autobiographical accounts are included. For those in the medical profession who wish to understand the impact of a cancer diagnosis on a patient, this book is for you.

With a light, informative tone, Learning to Survive maintains that survival is a skill and that it can be learned. It is an inspirational look at how to stay alive. Instead of being a medical text, it is a quick-read, witty communication of vital facts and hope for everyone.

About the Author

V.S. Brynn is the author's pen name. She is a free-lance writer and mother of three children. She holds a master's degree in communication and has worked as a vice president of communication, director of public relations, and as a journalist. The author also has extensive experience as an educational and an intercultural consultant. Having held top positions in community organizations, she is still active in cross-cultural causes. Her husband is from Reykjavik, Iceland.