Memoirs of a Thousand Year Old Woman

Berlin 1925-1945

by Gisela R. McBride



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/7/1977

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 616
ISBN : 9781588200747
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 616
ISBN : 9781588202451

About the Book

"Memoirs of a 1000-Year-Old-Woman" is a vivid retelling of a girlhood spent in the turmoil of the Third Reich. Written in an unaffected, straightforward style, it should appeal both to a popular readership and to scholars interested in the daily texture and minutiae of the period, particularly in regard to women and girls.

The book covers the years from the author's earliest memories to the end of the war, arranged chronologically.

It combines anecdote and recollection with quotations from contemporary news sources, song lyrics, and other supplementary material as well as photos.

Through the chapters the reader is brought step by step from a girlhood troubled only by the sorts of personal upheavals suffered in every life, through the gathering tension and little-understood adult preoccupations with the growing threat of war, to the young woman whose life seems to have lasted 1000 years within the compass of the "1000 Year Reich" itself.

About the Author

Gisela R. McBride was born in Berlin where she lived and was educated. At the end of World War II, she went to London where she worked for a number of firms, lastly for Lloyds Bank. Ms. McBride received a certificate for conference interpreting as well as a British Red Cross certificate in first-aid and home nursing. She sang in Lloyds Bank's Amateur Operatic Society. In 1957, Ms. McBride emigrated to Canada and worked for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Toronto until she moved to the United States. She lived in California, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC.

In addition to writing her memoirs, Ms. McBride translated a copy of a commentary on the Book of Revelation by Landesbishof Edouard Lohse of Hanover, Germany, into English and self-published a volume of Estonian Folk Tales which she translated also from German into English.

At the age of 62, Ms. McBride graduated with a liberal arts degree from the Pennsylvania State University.

Upon publication of her memoirs, Ms. McBride was invited to speak about her life at schools, civic organizations and veterans groups. She continued to share her story up until her death as a result of pancreatic cancer in 2012.