The New Life Clinics

by William S. Rothwell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/5/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 360
ISBN : 9781588209832

About the Book

The New Life Clinics have become a major national institution with facilities in all the large cities around the country. Using psychology, plastic surgery and some special training techniques, they change personalities and redirect lives. It is a compelling concept for many people - a chance to disappear and be reborn a new person in a new place, shorn of the errors or agonies of the past and ready to start over again. The Clinics have applied their methods to ex-convicts so well that the crime rate has dropped 60 percent in a decade.

In Part I of the book, Janet Walters, a young woman newspaper reporter, decides to go through the Clinic program, surgery and all, in order to learn the well guarded secrets of the Clinics' success. However, with the help of a sympathetic Clinic doctor, Janet finds out too much about the Clinic's operations. She learns of a deeply sinister aspect that leads to the most terrifying experience of her life. Although the doctor rescues her from this peril, they both are marked for elimination and she is set on a run to escape the seemingly omnipresent influence of the Clinics and their hirelings.

In part II, Janet must face treachery and death to survive until she can get help to have the truth about the Clinics revealed in a way that no one can doubt. She flees from the Midwest to the West Coast and later to St. Louis using the Clinic lessons well in a variety of roles to help her stay alive and still doggedly pursue her goal.

About the Author

William Rothwell lives in central California in the Sierra foothills and is married to a professional artist. He has worked as a teacher, research scientist, and most recently as a consultant in physical science.

Author of The Vocabulary of Physics and many scientific publications, he turned to fiction with The New Life Clinics, his first novel.

Writing stories as a vocation first tempted Rothwell when he resigned from the U.S. Navy and returned to school to prepare for an alternative career, but he chose to study physics to improve his and contribute to our understanding of the natural world around us. Now he is taking time to give substance and form to the plots of stories which have accumulated in the writer's part of his brain.