Management of Innovation in New Millennium

by D. Bruce Merrifield



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/2/2000

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781420898491
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781587215070

About the Book

About the Author

The author has been in research and research administration for many years and was formerly Vice President of Technology for both the Occidental Petroleum Company, and the Continental Group (Continental Can Co.). Since then, Dr. Merrifield has headed up the Technology Administration in the Reagan administration, where he put through landmark legislation to change the antitrust laws and to allow collaborative research and production efforts among U.S. companies. His office also put through the Technology Transfer Acts of 1984, 1986, and 1989, which for the first time made available Federally funded research for industrial development. Other legislation included: the Technology Medal; The Baldridge Quality Award; the Patent Extension Act, which starts the 17 year meter running only after regulatory clearance has been received; and the Process Patent Act, which protects U.S. process patents from foreign infringement. His office also initiated the R&D Limited Partnership model for collaborative efforts, including Sematech, which had its origins in his office; and the International Program for arrangements between the U.S. and developing countries, to develop new entrepreneurial businesses. Dr. Merrifield is Professor Emeritus of the Wharton School of Business, where he has the Walter Bladstrom Chair for Entrepeneurship and is currently the Chairman and CEO of two privately held new ventures.