Mind Body and Spirit

Poems about Drugs, Feeling and Emotions….

by Larry W. McEachin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/24/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781587212093

About the Book

This book would encourage and motivate a person. My book would make people feel good about themselves. It would make people aware of their environment and surroundings, and how to help out with the situation of things, in the way of communication, and how to get along with people.

In my book, there are 44 poems about drugs, 27 poems about feeling and emotions, 18 poems about the analysis of tomorrow from different perspectives, 6 ABC's of school sports. This book would help elevate the minds of people, and to communicate better with others.

About the Author

Larry W. McEachin was born in Hoke County, North Carolina. I lived there from the time that I was born. I am 47 years old. I have been a shy person for most of my life. Writing this book was a form of therapy for me. Along with the help of the Holy Spirit, I wrote a poem book that would inspire, encourage, and motivate a person the right way with things. If a person is feeling bad and down, my book will lift their spirit and make them feel better about themselves. That's why I wrote this book: to help people out with their feelings in a positive way. This is my first book.