Officers of the Court

by Donald V. Organ



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/29/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 340
ISBN : 9781587211935

About the Book

Apart from media feeding frenzies sparked by celebrity trials and Special Prosecutors, Colin Briggs, until now, hadn't thought much about our criminal justice system. Life for the attractive, high-profile antique entrepreneur changes when federal agents blind-side him with a surprise visit and threat of an indictment for mail fraud. Suddenly the law and the unbridled power of its enforcers envelop his life.

One by one, his reputation and business, his relationship with his fiancée Linda, his confidence in his closest associate and former lover Ginger Cook, and his cherished relationship with friend Joyce Fuller, are endangered as the federal lawyers and the media line up a scenario that goes from improbable to bad to worse. And he doesn't know the half of it.

But we do. Don Organ, himself a former New Orleans trial lawyer, skillfully takes us behind the scenes. There, prosecutors, investigators, journalists, elected representatives, justice department bureaucrats, and cutthroat competitors in the river city antique world, all seek to fulfill their own dubious ambitions by nailing Briggs on what he says is a bogus case.

World famous restaurants, upscale office towers, the historic French Quarter, and a picturesque Mississippi River ferry all provide the backdrop for Briggs' good life, and become, in Organ's hands, scenes of intrigue and betrayal.

In attorney Hobart Rader, Colin Briggs finds his potential savior, but the momentum that gathers behind the conspiracy to break his client challenges even the great Rader. He is confronted with the indifference of lawyers both in and outside the government, Officers of the Court every one, to real justice. Apparently it doesn't take movies or television to bring out the best and the worst in the legal profession. Colin Briggs experiences it all when he finally gets his day in court.

In tense and dramatic trial scenes, with surprises and reversals of fortune down to the gavel--and after--Donald Organ shows us what could happen to any of us, and does.


With this remarkable first novel Don Organ joins the ranks of John Grisham and Scott Turow. Full of twists and turns that will keep you turning pages, OFFICERS OF THE COURT is a must read.
-Peggy Webb


Don Organ's white-collar mystery, OFFICERS OF THE COURT, is a winner. As soon as the FBI confronts Colin Briggs in his office, you know you are in for a gripping tale of how ordinary people can get caught up in the web of the criminal law. You immediately empathize with the main character and feel the same fear, anxiety and curiosity that he does when the FBI comes to call. If they are not coming to arrest, should he answer their questions or show them the door? Should he call his lawyer? If he is innocent of wrongdoing, does he have anything to fear? Thoughts like these raced across my mind. The cat and mouse game between the state and the individual will leave the reader thinking and sweating until the heart-stopping climax.

This is a thinking person's book. It will interest anyone working or teaching in the area of criminal justice, as well as anyone who wants an excellent, page-turning read.
-Martin L. Needleman, Ph.D.
Department of Criminal Justice
Bloomsburg University
Bloomsburg, PA 17815


"Officers Of The Court" transports us to the world of Franz Kafka where false accusations meet guilt, and betrayal is commonplace. Don Organ's fascinating insider's view of the antique business alone is worth the price of admission. Law and justice collide in this first novel by someone who knows well and brilliantly the nuances of the legal trade.
-Joan Mellen,
Professor, English Department
Temple University

About the Author

Donald V. Organ was born on a cattle farm in western Kansas in 1925. During WWII, he served as an officer on U.S. Army Transportation Corp's ships in the Southwest Pacific Theatre of War. He arrived in Tokyo harbor on September 12, 1945.

Thereafter, he was assigned to troopships bringing GIs back from Germany to New York. He graduated from Loyola University School of Law (New Orleans) in 1955 and then spent the next forty years as a trial lawyer in New Orleans. He is now retired from law practice and divides his time between homes in Bush, Louisiana, and Northport, Maine.

An ardent sailor he has also earned a commercial pilot's license with instrument and multi-engine ratings. He is currently working on two novels. He and his wife, Joan, have five children.