
by Sifwat Ali



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/21/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781587213182

About the Book

A poetic but scientific account, in harmony with religion, of the creation of the universe and its destruction is presented in the form of 1024 rhyming couplets. The creation is described from a point source, and the destruction is based upon the ultimate decay of matter and its building blocks such as neutrons and quarks.

Historically there has been an unwritten separation between science and poetry. Scientists seldom write serious poetry in any significant quantity. Similarly poets rarely write a poetic account of any significant proportion that is based upon a scientific theory.

A new foundation has been laid - writing poetry while seriously entertaining scientific theories of our era, and above all doing it in a journey of reverence in complete harmony with religious descriptions. The subject chosen could not have been more difficult -- evolution of 'Time' itself.

About the Author

The author is a United States citizen, and has lived in that country since 1971. By profession he is a Computer Scientist with a background in Physics, and currently works for Bell Atlantic Corporation. He has published two books in his native tongue "Urdu", widely spoken in Pakistan and Northern India. He writes a weekly column in "Urdu Times" published from New York. The Poet/Writer is also a member of the Washington National Press Club and the Poetry Society of America.