Deadly Truth

by Israel Heller, Zelda Heller & Janice R. Blumberg



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/1/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781587217548

About the Book

Deadly Truth is a fast-moving story of how a Jewish family deals with the complex dynamics of life in South Africa under the brutal system known as Apartheid. David Bellon, an industrialist in an Afrikaner dominated town, courts trouble by pursuing the dictates of his conscience. A major indiscretion leads to his downfall and, very nearly, to his death.

About the Author

Israel Heller. Prior to settling in the U.S.A in 1980, he was CEO of an agribusiness conglomerate in South Africa where he was in conflict with the Apartheid regime. He changed his career in his new country to that of estate jeweler. He lectures on diamonds, gemstones, and antique silver. He is constantly reminded that his roots are in South Africa.

Zelda Heller. Has had several successful careers: antique dealer and teacher of science in her native South Africa and now realtor in the States. Zelda is happy that she has four American grandchildren. She is grateful that her co-authors worked so well together on a story which she feels must be told.

Janice Rothschild Blumberg. Is an author and free-lance journalist with special interest in Jewish history. A native of Atlanta, she participated with her late husband, Rabbi Jacob M. Rothschild, in the struggle for racial equality in that city. Personal friendship, life long fascination with South Africa, and deep empathy for its people under the yoke of Apartheid sparked her enthusiastic partnership with the Hellers in writing Deadly Truth.

The authors reside in the Washington, D.C. area.