Having been in Christian circles for many years and hearing excellent teaching, yet one area never seemed to be clearly explained or impressed upon me. It was spoken of and taught to some extent but somehow never seemed to make a significant impression upon me to the point of causing me to consider it or to make much of a change in my life. Only recently when I heard a detailed message strictly on this subject did the impact of its intent come to me.
There were two or three aspects of this area that had been impressed upon me many years previously and I followed them. However, one major part that directs all of the other parts of this matter had never been brought out sufficiently to penetrate my spirit. I realize that I am accountable for my actions even if it had never been taught. It was in the Word all the time and I missed the importance of this key area--
--Just staying on the positive confession of who I am in Christ and what I have in Christ was not winning the battle for me. This study has been an encouragement to me to seek to discipline myself to be obedient to His will and even more aware of my daily relationship with Him.
A good friend of mine, Professor Jerry Gibson (see footnote at end of preface), some years ago talked about true wisdom and scholarship that made an indelible impression on me that has influenced my life. He taught that true scholarship not only requires, but demands honesty. An honest person will examine the evidence objectively in spite of their own preconceived ideas and beliefs and if the evidence substantiates it, they will change their position to line up with the truth. If it is true, it will line up with the Word for the Word is truth.
I’ve had to re-evaluate some of my beliefs based on this study and I have tried to follow this concept throughout this presentation and would hope that each of you would be honest to accept what the Word says, not necessarily what I say. Those who do not accept this are like the ones who say, ‘my mind is made up, don’t confuse me with facts.’--
--Who is going to control your life? The world or God? You have to make the choice. God won’t make it for you. By not deliberately making a choice, a choice will be made for you and it will be the world’s choice--
--Do you take the entire Word of God seriously, or just the parts you feel are uplifting to your spirit? In Ephesians 5:27 it says Jesus is coming back for a perfect church without blemish. You are accountable for your own actions to be a part of that perfect church. Be like the Bereans in Acts 17:11 and investigate the Word to see if all of these things are true, for you are without excuse (Romans 1:20)--.
--Now what about spiritual matters? God’s Word is only one book, not thousands, and He doesn’t keep adding on new laws. He is consistent and does not change (Malachi 3:6). He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). It can be understood by anyone who wants to understand it. He says what He means and He means what He says. It is consistent. Any alleged inconsistencies or discrepancies are only a failure of the individuals to rightly interpret the Word--.
--Each is responsible to God for their understanding and obedience to the Word for you are without excuse (Romans 1). If you depend on the pastor and he is wrong, you lose---and the consequences of this loss can be eternal damnation. If you don’t do what you know you are supposed to do, you are sinning (James 4:17)--
Do you really believe the Word? Do you really have faith in the Word? Do you live your life in a manner that shows that you do? If you believe the Word and have faith in the Word, you will put the Word into action. You will do what the Word tells you to do.