Treasures Within

Meditation with a Friend

by John Castagnini; Halley Elise



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/25/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9780759637528
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9780759637511

About the Book

How is your life growing? Join us and grow it well!

Treasures Within: Meditation with a Friend is so much more then just another meditation book or book on personal development. It is a book that is a part of the "Think and Grow with a friend book series." Books created for "you and your friend." This book system gives testimonial to the truest natures that reside within, while expounding upon those natures as they envelope love. Sharing this book with your friend, you will learn the truth of meditation, unleash your inner love and beauty, and grow with your friend. This book will assist you and your friend upon your road to life mastery. Each lesson leads the readers closer to their dreams. You will find more of you through the process and gain a deeper relationship with your friend.

About the Author

The most important identity John Castagnini holds is that of truth-seeker. John was born in New York City. He holds a degree in Biology from California State University at Fullerton. He attended Chiropractic school in California as well. His search for truth led him to study both eastern and western cultures. He was fortunate enough to have worked with some of the world’s greatest martial artists and monks from India. Over the past three years, his seminars have toured the world assisting thousands to manifest greater potentials. Now age 29, he has held seminars with world-renowned authors such as Dr. Wayne Dyer. In consultations, tapes, seminars, and now his first book, John has dedicated his life to helping others discover and master their personal truth. John’s educational material is already building leaders worldwide. His teachings work, which quite simply is the reason for his emergence as a leader in the personal development field.

Halley Élise is a naturally gifted intuitive, an ordained Unitarian minister in good standing with the Florida Association of Spiritual Ministers; is a clinically certified Hypnotherapist, Graphologist, Meditation Facilitator, Artist, Poet, Photographer, and Writer. Among her special gifts she understands and appreciates natural phenomena; blending the analytical views of today's world with the creative and esoteric of the past. It is her priority to impart this wisdom that applies to all people. Well-versed in psychology, science, the arts, aromatherapy and the study of ancient cultures, she continues to delve into her own intellectual and spiritual growth while assisting others. She has taught for many years and has developed county school programs for administrators, psychologists, therapists, and students. Clients from around the world seek council with Halley at her private practice, Mysteries by Halley Élise. At work and always she uses her training, spiritual gifts, intuitions, and insights. A Florida resident, Halley is an advocate for maintaining and protecting our earth.

Halley Élise’s work is transformative, inspiring readers to find answers to their individual life’s quest. She offers you, the reader, a continuous flow of constructive ideas for valuing the self and all humanity. Her work encompasses utilizing spiritual love and mental focusing upon the many areas of life; clearly proving that the spirit can be more than an abstract idea, it is a part of our daily living. She encourages harmonizing all areas of life so as to release the greatest potentiality of the individual. Halley’s life is a testimonial to the most important intention one can have in life, to know one’s Divine Purpose and to pursue it with love. The reader will acquire, from this reading, a smiling heart, a motivated mind and a spirit unleashed-upward soaring!