Outgrowing the Bible
The Journey from Fundamentalism to Freethinking
Book Details
About the Book
This book contains the fruits of a Scripture study that took the author on a journey from the position of Fundamentalist Christianity into the mental realms of Freethinking. Far from representing the "Good Book," the author concludes that the Bible is actually a terrorist manifesto from the ancient Near East, containing graphic descriptions of cold blooded murder, beheadings, child sacrifice, and cultural genocide committed by early Hebrews under the command of a militaristic totem god named YHWH, whose priesthood sought world domination and the extermination of all "Pagan" religions. Within the pages of Outgrowing the Bible, readers will discover that:
Outgrowing the Bible contains hundreds of Scriptural quotes, along with a feast of information to challenge those who insist that the Bible is the absolute, infallible "Word of God." This book also debunks philosophical positions that are commonly based on the Bible, such as: recent Creationism; the Fall of Man; male supremacy; repressive sexuality; the "Right to Life" movement; the "War on Drugs"; homophobia; and the insidious notion that the world is currently headed toward an inevitable, global holocaust.
Outgrowing the Bible provides a fresh look at the actual content of the books that compose the modern Bible, most of which are of unknown authorship. This book also investigates the psychological processes involved with a major change in personal philosophical outlook, and offers words of encouragement to those who are trapped within the bondage of biblical doctrines.
About the Author
Russell Scott Brinegar was raised as a Fundamentalist Christian and began questioning the validity of the Bible at age 13. Over the next 30 years, Mr. Brinegar systematically researched the Old and New Testaments, arriving at startling conclusions that many will find disturbing. Russ Brinegar is now an advocate for Freethinkers everywhere and encourages readers to embrace the sciences along with unfettered human imagination and a sense of humor.