Mindless Selling

by Dave Kurlan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/1/2001

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780759610156
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780759610132
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780759610149

About the Book

Mindless Selling is not another book filled with sales methodologies, moves, objection handling techniques, or one-liners. If that’s what you want from a sales book, they are in plentiful supply, easy to locate, and they are all quite wonderful. The problem with all of the books that are filled with techniques is that if we take a salesperson who is failing and have them read a book, the only thing that would have changed is the salesperson’s vocabulary. Same salesperson--new words--still failing.

Mindless Selling looks at many of the reasons that techniques--old and new alike--don’t change results. This book looks at the powerful, hidden weaknesses that get in the way, that cause paralysis. Mindless Selling explains why salespeople already know what to do and say but are often unable to execute what they know.

Through stories and case histories, the reader will learn exactly what differentiates a sales stud from a sales dud. Not techniques. Hidden Weaknesses. And the reader will learn how, with specific instructions, exercises and additional reading material, how to overcome them once and for all.

About the Author

Dave Kurlan is the president of David Kurlan & Associates and a principal of The Objective Management Group, international sales management consulting firms, both with headquarters in Massachusetts. He possesses 25 years of experience in all facets of sales training, sales management and consulting.

A regularly featured Conference attraction, Dave has been a top rated speaker at Inc. Magazine’s Conference on Growing the Company since 1991, was featured at the Sales & Marketing Management Conference in 1996 and was featured at DCI’s four national Sales Management Conferences in 1997. Nationally known for his ground breaking work in evaluating salespeople, he is the developer of The Dave Kurlan Sales Force Profile, an evaluation tool, a unique audio CD sales training library called Unreal Sales Calls and co-developer of Salesmind, computer software that helps salespeople overcome their self-limiting weaknesses.

He has written a regular monthly column on selling for The Electrical Distributor Magazine and has been featured on radio, television and in print. Dave has been featured in Inc. Magazine, Selling Power, Sales & Marketing Management Magazine and Incentive Magazine. In addition to Mindless Selling he has written Orchestrating The Sale and co-wrote the Corporate Recruiting System for Hiring Salespeople. He is featured on Inc. Magazine’s video How to Increase Sales and Profits by 1000% and specializes in working with growing companies.