In the Footsteps of the Yogi

The 1999 U.S. Tour of Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj

by Ramcharandas



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/14/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9780759614437
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9780759614420

About the Book

One of the greatest of all spiritual masters comes frequently to teach in America today. He is Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj. Swamiji is that rarest of beings, a true God-Realized yogi. When Swamiji was fourteen, Lord Shiva appeared before him and placed him in samadhi, in which he meditated virtually without ceasing for twelve years. This process is called tapas, which Swamiji completed on August 7, 1961. From then on, he initiated millions of people in India into the yogic meditation known as dhyan and has made several trips for this purpose to the U.S. and Europe.

Swamiji dropped his physical body through mahasamadhi in yoga nidra, also called "yogic sleep," on March 28, 1994, and immediately merged his atman, or soul, with that of a devotee he had been preparing for this service. It is in the body of this devotee that Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj continues to fulfill his mission both in India and the West.

This is a true and remarkable story. The editor has spent much of his available time during the last three years at Swamiji’s side, working for him at his meditation programs or sitting with him in darshan. Swamiji is not a spiritual teacher in the ordinary sense of the term. Swamiji is a Guru at the highest level, a Sadguru, and a uniquely wise, compassionate, and loving person. The shakti, or divine energy, he radiates has to be experienced to be believed. Swamiji’s spiritual power, often manifested through Guru leela, or divine "play," awakens the seeker to the Self within. To be with Swamiji is to experience the reality of the divine spiritual presence.

Swamiji’s American mission is in its early stages. In his present body he is conducting annual tours of North America, and this book tells the story of his 1999 visit.

In the pages of this book, Swamiji gives instructions on how to practice dhyan, the benefits and results of doing so, the meaning of the Guru-devotee relationship, the role of bhakti, or devotion, in spiritual practice, and the purposes of his mission. He does this against the background of the extraordinary drama he enacted for three months in the company of his devotees during the 1999 tour.

This is the first book published about Swamiji in America. It is a product of Swamiji’s entire family of devotees, guided by the master himself, who inspired it from beginning to end with the power of the Guru’s love. The book belongs above all to those around the world in the past, present, or future who dedicate their lives to walking In the Footsteps of the Yogi.

About the Author

Ramcharandas is a devotee of Sri Sri Sri Shivabalayogi Maharaj, who lives with his family in a rural area of eastern Virginia. He has compiled this book about Swamiji from a variety of sources, including personal notes made while traveling with Swamiji on the 1999 tour, video tapes of Swamiji’s interaction with devotees, audio tapes of Swamiji’s question-and-answer sessions at the two-week retreat in Pennsylvania, anecdotes and poems submitted by other devotees, and accounts by devotees of their mystical experiences while with Swamiji.