The Guns of Boston Harbor

by Gerald W. Butler, S.F.H.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/25/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 412
ISBN : 9780759647305

About the Book

Fortified since the 1600s, earth and wood seacoast defenses provided significant protection for the new seaport of Boston. By the Civil War era, impregnable granite fortresses guarded the seaward approaches to the Port of Boston.

At the turn of the 20th Century, powerful, long-range disappearing guns and mortars protected the seaport. During World War II the most powerful and sophisticated weapons were installed, and the first computers developed and radar systems employed were utilized for target acquisition and tracking.

The Guns of Boston Harbor, with over 600 pictures and illustrations, also describes incidents of enemy sneak craft penetrating Boston Harbor shortly after Pearl Harbor, Edgar Allan Poe’s enlistment and tour of duty at Fort Independence, and the architectural influence of Colonel Sylvanus Thayer, also known as the “Father of West Point.”


About the Author

Gerald W. Butler, during his Regular Army tour, served in the U.S. Army Security Agency’s Special Operations Unit and later with a U.S. Army Reserve Combat Engineer Battalion. In April 1975, he was commissioned Captain in the Massachusetts State Guard.

He was the former Curator of Fort Warren and Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, and Fort Rodman in New Bedford, Massachusetts.

He has published Military Annals of Nahant, Massachusetts, The Military History of Boston’s Harbor Islands, and numerous periodicals on seacoast fortifications. He serves as a consultant to military historical organizations, museums, state parks, lectures, was the former historian for U.S. Navy mine units in Boston and Portsmouth (N.H.) Harbors, and his cartoons and illustrations of seacoast fortifications and weaponry are published worldwide. Mr. Butler resides in Nahant, Massachusetts.