Halloween Candy
Book Details
About the Book
Halloween Candy is a Jack O'Lantern of a book. An anthology of horror fact and fiction, newly stuffed after a night of trick-or-treating with film critiques, short stories, haunted house reports, punditry, a screenplay, and an interview with Dark Shadows actor Jonathan Frid. Writings dark and serious and whimsical, and all else that is horror.
Included are new items, and reprints from Wicked Mystic, 100 Wicked Little Witch Stories, Horrors! 365 Scary Stories, Midnight Marquee, Horror, Sci-Fi Universe, and Filmfax. Filmfax trimmed my interview of Jonathan Frid, perhaps assuming few readers were interested in Frid's childhood and early career. I restore that information for those who are.
This horror anthology book also contains my horror anthology screenplay . . . Halloween Candy. A screenplay that was honored with an American Film Institute reading (moderated by Robert Wise--The Haunting), was thrice-optioned, and at one point was set to be directed by Tom Savini. This book contains both the screenplay and a recounting of "the making of Halloween Candy." Or rather, how the film almost got made . . . again and again and again. A behind-the-scenes look into the world of low-budget horror filmmaking.
About the Author
Thomas M. Sipos was born in Queens, NY, to Hungarian refugees from Communism. He attended Catholic schools, and graduated from NYU's film school. His childhood visits to family in Communist Transylvania served to inspire his horror/black comedy novel, Vampire Nation, a Prometheus Award nominee.
Sipos's fiction has appeared in Wicked Mystic, 100 Wicked Little Witch Stories, and Horrors! 365 Scary Stories; his nonfiction in The Journal of Horror Cinema, Tangent, Horror, Midnight Marquee, Horrorfind.com, GreenTentacles.com, Liberty, Filmfax, and Sci-Fi Universe. Some of it is reprinted in this volume.
Sipos belongs to the Horror Writers Association, the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, the National Writers Union, the Libertarian Futurist Society, and the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films. He lives in Los Angeles, where his sitcom and horror scripts (including Halloween Candy) have won awards.