The planet Neptune could be seen from almost any other planet in the galaxy with a keen telescope. It would reveal many different schools of fishes jumping and diving in and out of the waters that covered its planet. This was a beautiful sight at night in Neptune’s sparkling moonlight. Water was the one vital nutrient to the Neptunian, so this was an essential and necessary daily practice for all beings of Neptune, since it revitalized their energies for up to twelve hours, allowing them to endure in any atmosphere. If they ever went beyond that limit, they could die.
There were many kinds of fish that could be seen through a sensitive telescope on a clear night. All types and species of fish had to rejuvenate their inner water supply in order to stay alive and healthy. Water was the vital substance that kept them going, and there was plenty of it on Neptune. Schools of fish would swim daily together as a family.
They would gregariously flip into the air like dolphins, even though there were no actual dolphins on Neptune. They were sent to Earth many thousands of light years ago to show earthlings how happy and contented they could be. All anyone had to do was observe nature, and there would be the key to a contented life. But so much had gotten out of hand on Earth that it was difficult to discern what was right anymore, and the ruler of Neptune knew this.
Everything on Neptune mirrored the happenings on Earth, and Neptune was just a step ahead of Earth in terms of transformation and evolution of its people’s ways, especially that of their personalities - specifically, their souls. It had become normal practice in the new millennium for a certain special Neptunian’s soul to evolve and transform within the same lifetime. Since Neptune was so advanced in this way, all that inhabited the planet had grown to accept and appreciate such a phenomenon.
Neptune was the planet in the natural order of things in the universe to carry the supply of water specifically to put out fire. Fire existed on other planets in the universe, but was not purely exclusive to any one planet. Fire represented anger, while water represented the raw emotion of feeling, which on Neptune was looked upon as emotionally healthy. The balance of each of these elements allowed life to seek the eternal balance and harmony of the natural order of things in the universe.
Neil was ruler of Neptune at a time when the good and evil beings became separated by a giant current of waters. The Great War brought an end to Neptune as it had known itself to exist, as that of a planet infested with entirely too much evil. The end result was a planet of split views and opposing beliefs: a kind of never-ending civil war between the good and bad.
This mirrored Earth’s current situation of a strong movement toward evil and self-destruction. There were countries fighting over land and religion. Gangs were formed to lash out at society and destroy any evidence of goodness. The perpetual battle between good and evil was looking as if evil would soon be winning.
The warning signs were all there indeed. The excessive love of material things contributed to the breakdown of the family, and became the norm rather than the exception on Earth. This was wringing an all- too- familiar tune to the way things had been just before Neptune’s Great War.
Any time destruction of such magnitude hit one part of the galaxy, it could be pledged that it would also hit another part, another planet, and Earth was in line to follow suit. Even though Neptune had already gone through their great civil war split, news of Earth’s mishaps had affected Neptune’s immediate future for the same balance of energy reasons. Earth was now headed for doom and disaster, and Neptune would be the chosen planet to model a positive change.
This change would in turn affect all other planets in the galaxy. The universal law of balance and return would then take over and make everything balanced again, and the evil would no longer overpower the good. It would take an overpowering effect, one much larger than a passing meteorite. It would have to take something as powerful as a Grand Trine to foster any transformation of any kind.
The results of a Grand Trine, where three different planets are in perfectly fixed alignment with one another, would make such a dramatic difference in the galaxy’s basic dynamic make-up. These only occurred once every millennium, and only planetary rulers could predict this major event.
Afterward, planets in the galaxy would have a new chance to make life right again, since this occurrence brought about global personality changes among its inhabitants. This was a most necessary movement, since in order to be whole, individuals of any planet needed to encompass both the good and the evil in perfect balance with one another. This manner of living was in complete accordance with the universal laws.
Transition and transformation would have been carried out in proper perspective according to these laws. Neptune, the planet of intuition and sensitivity was chosen to initiate that perfect plan for change. This plan was in universal balance for the seeking of a whole unity between the energies of life, and that in turn would create the return of a more perfect universe.
Certain called-upon Neptune beings were encouraged to learn and grow, while at the same time advancing their souls. This was accomplished through the ever-challenging circumstances of good versus evil. In fact, the entire universe was made up of opposite polarities between good and evil. Since the beginning of time, everything that represented life in the galaxy was made up of these two polarities of life, which effectively represented the whole experience of living. The hidden secret however was for the planet to manage a perfect balance of both. Only a certain chosen few fully grasped that concept, and Neil Triton was one of those special beings.
Neptune was made up of these polarities at one time, until they became so off balance that the Great War intervened, and ended life as they new it. The evil beings were sent to its moon to live forever, forever forbidden to speak to the good beings that were left on Neptune. Even though they understood the balance of life force included both good and evil, those who stayed on Neptune had chosen the predominantly good side of life.
They knew that from that point forward they needed to choose the good over the bad, even though they also understood that all beings were made up of both. It was an unsteady time for Neptune, since they were not used to being so one-sided, and they seemed to have a problem with the balance of these. Thus, its beings would constantly swim around and around and up and down into the never-ending waters of Neptune in what seemed like a viscous circle.
Neptune was ready for a major transition, one that would affect the entire galaxy. They were ready for the reuniting of good and evil that would achieve the proper balance for all planets. All this had to happen for a bigger reason than just for Neptune. It also had to be for the good of all other planets, especially Earth.
Earth had yet to reach this dimension and level of transformation. Its people were ready for a split of some kind, but it was not possible that all evil people could be sent to their moon, there was too many. Earth was surely headed for disaster.