The Detective Club

by Edward J. Laurie



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/8/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9780759636927
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9780759636910

About the Book

The irrepressible Professor Simon Fraser and his young Assistant Tom McElrath are once again involved in a murder investigation after their earlier adventures in the cases of The Borgia Blade and A Little Pinch of Death, but before they encountered A Ladder of Death and The Seven Keys of Sara Seldom.

The amazing Greek seer and fortune-teller, Millicent Zacharias is back, assisting Lieutenant Campbell, Sheriff Ransom Fall, Simon, and Simon’s good friend, Prentice Dodd, in tracking down a triple murderer.

Is he a member of the Bachelor’s Club? Will the members of the Detective Club (Fraser, McElrath, Zacharias, Lieutenant Campbell, Prentice Dodd and their new members Charlie and Ginny Smith) be an effective counterforce to the five men (one of them a murderer), single or widowed, who have joined together late in life to relive moments of their middle and high school years?

How much risk is there for the members of the Detective Club? For that matter, how much peril do the members of the Bachelor’s Club face too?

There’s bound to be blood, murder and hazard all around!

About the Author

According to Juvenal (of bread and circuses fame): "Tenet insanabile multos scribendi cacoethes et aegro in corde senescit!" (Many suffer from the incurable disease of writing, and it becomes chronic in their sick minds.)

And so it does -- become chronic I mean. However, I would argue that it might be a kind of cure rather than a disease. To be sure, it is a lot of work and demands a certain personal isolation from things going on in this big and busy world. But the fully participatory are often pen-less, and there’s a certain form of happiness in creating a world of your own imagination which others just might wish to enter and perhaps enjoy.

Writing my mystery and murder tales: The Borgia Blade, A Little Pinch of Death, The Seven Keys of Sara Seldon and The Detective Club with their virtues and their failings now substitutes for 54 years in the classroom.

The nice thing about these new folk of my own creation is that I can make them as bright or as dull as I want them to be, and control them -- well, most of the time.

Edward Laurie