The Insider's Guide Instant Win Tickets (Pulltabs)

by Don D. Basina



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/31/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780759660090
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780759660083

About the Book

The Insider’s Guide Instant Win Tickets is a "How to" guide for instant win tickets. The book answers the questions of how to win, how to sell and how to profit from instant win tickets. This gaming book will enhance player’s awareness and increase their odds of winning.

The Insider’s Guide Instant Win Tickets gives player’s tips and techniques to winning more often and gives the sales entrepreneur a how to guide for selling tickets. Instant win tickets have preset payouts. There is a definite payout amount and a definite profit amount. The player should know the odds of winning. With the author’s formulas, determining the odds of winning is revealed.

In addition, the so-called secrets of the behind the scenes operations will be given in detail. The marketing and sales techniques are proven to increase sales revenue. "Security", "Descriptions" and "Training" chapters help understand procedural controls.

Instant win tickets cover a broad perspective of games but usually are called: Pulltabs, break opens, bingo tickets, pickles, paper slot machines and instant games. The scratch off ticket is another form of instant win ticket. This book will use pulltabs as the reference for instant win tickets. Written from the insider’s perspective, this book will give the reader a clear understanding of the gaming instant win ticket industry.

About the Author

Don Basina has been in pulltab instant win ticket industry for ten years. He has worked with manufactures/distributors to designed carts, booths and exclusive tickets.

His field experience in marketing/sales has come by trend researching and hands-on approach to selling. Personally selling to millions of guests has given him the creative edge to be player savvy. Learning quality service through professional sales programs and seminars has given him valuable insight on how to treat guests. His sales techniques are proven to increase revenue and give a clear understanding on improving product sales and exceeding guest’s expectations.

His background includes: United States Marine Corp, education, sales and sales management, innovator, visionary, husband and father. He has created successful instant win ticket promotions and his sales technique programs are used for training sales personnel. He has written monthly pulltab news articles for the development of promoting sales and awareness. He has written and edited policy/procedure manuals for incorporating controls over inventory and procedure documentation. His motto is to keep it fun and give guests what they want.