Ascended Master Dictations
Letters to a Chela
Book Details
About the Book
It is the intention of the author to give a "thumbnail sketch" of the Ascended Masters and what they have to do with the evolution of man on this planet and beyond. It is not within the scope of this book to present all material available upon this subject nor, to attempt the entire picture, for this there is a great wealth of genuine literature extant on the Ascended Masters and their teaching.
Included in this book are portions that are directly dictated through the author from various masters. Some of these teachings may be identified, while others may not. It is up to the readers to discern for themselves the authenticity of the offering. One who is familiar with the teaching will recognize it.
I have spent 30 years studying these teachings and have come to know the Masters by their words and vibrations. I can only hope that those of you who find these words interesting and useful will pursue the literature. I have available, a list of writers and writings, which I know to be "The Genuine Article." This you must judge for yourselves. You may find those on the web site or by emailing me.
In writing this book I do not claim to know or discuss the "only way" to contact the Masters. However, I do know that these methods work, as I have successfully used them. There may, very well, be other methods that work. I can only speak from my personal experience and training under the Masters and their representatives in embodiment. One statement from El Morya to me was an answer to my surprise at finding them in unexpected places was "Do you not know that we are every where, and that we work with all teachings and activities to the extent that they will allow us to enter in."
The Ascended Masters are the Elder Brothers and Sisters on The Path. They have long been called, too, The Great White Brotherhood. This title is partially representative of the times in which it was coined. (There have been many misunderstandings concerning "white" as racist, and "brotherhood" as male specific. This was never intended.) Perhaps in this day the title Ascended Masters is more gender neutral and more effective in the New World. We live in a more balanced masculine and feminine time. The name "Great White Brotherhood" is meant to be neither gender nor race exclusive, and has no reference to color, race, or creed.
The Ascended Masters have all had physical, 3rd dimensional, bodies at one or more times in history. They are an "Order" in Hierarchy and occupy seats on the Cosmic Councils with other Cosmic Beings. It is our birthright to graduate from earth in the Initiation of the Ascension and take our place among the Ascended Masters. Once we have balanced at least 51% of our personal karma, completed our personal divine plan/contract, we are eligible to take Ascension.
The Author: Li Po
About the Author
Li Po has been studying The Teachings of the Ascended Masters for thirty-five years. He became aware of the Masters in his mid 20s. After several years of preliminary studies, he experienced an "Occult Awakening" in 1972. This led him to realize that his main purpose in this life was spiritual studies and service. After four more years of intense study of the Ascended Master literature from past dispensations, he asked the question, "Who is delivering these teachings now?" The answer came within two weeks, and he was able to recognize his Guru, Elizabeth Clare Prophet. After five years working with her on staff he was released to continue this work on his own. He had been "taking Dictations" since his early years without knowing where, or who, these were coming from. Finally he asked, "Who is Dictating?" The answer came. It was Serapis Bey. It all began.
The author had worked mostly in the music business until the 90s as a player, composer, and sound engineer; then he finished his BA in Elementary Education and went to work as a teacher. He finished a Masters Degree in Education, and went on to become a Doctoral Candidate. His Doctorate in Educational Leadership, with an emphasis in Organizational Change, is complete except for the dissertation.