Cook Quality Meals in Quantity and Save Time and Money

by W. C. Green



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/3/2002

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9780759678279
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9780759678286

About the Book

My wife and I both work. Having kids, it’s hard to cook every day, especially healthy meals. This book is for people who have to cook, and those who don’t but want to eat good and healthy home cooking while saving money. With these large portions, most of what you make you can freeze for those day’s you can’t cook.

About the Author

I love to cook. I’ve cooked since pretty much I could remember. In my life I’ve learned so much about cooking, what ingredients are better to use, like honey instead of sugar, unbleached flour instead of bleached flour. It is so important to monitor what we put in our bodies. I know I am healthier and my skin is healthier since I’ve learned about food and changed what I eat and cook with through the years. I am still learning. Recently in a health food store, I found out non-hydrogenated oils in butter and margarine is better for you, as your body gets rid of it. However, hydrogenated butter and margarine is harder and may not leave your body. Eating healthy is a wonderful adventure.