Blindfold of Justice

by Minka Scott-Friedman w/ Eugene Kenway



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/26/2002

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 380
ISBN : 9780759689756
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 380
ISBN : 9780759689770
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 380
ISBN : 9780759689763

About the Book

In the late forties and early fifties, Beverly Hills was a small, conservative community with safe, tree lined streets, and was famous for movie stars and one lawyer - the fabled Jerry Geisler. This book is a fictionalized, but authentic, inside view of the workings of his office, and his world, seen through the eyes of his associate counsel. Everything is there, including allies and adversaries in the L.A.P.D., the Press, and the L.A. County District Attorney’s office.

In those days, criminal cases were defended on the merits, not by invoking intellectually dishonest technicalities concerning police procedure. It was an honest, rock’em, sock’em, intellectual battle, and may the smartest, or luckiest, lawyer win.

Here we have a rising star in a prestigious Beverly Hills law firm defending a wealthy playboy accused of the brutal slaying of his estranged wife. His adversary is a brilliant young prosecutor who wants the D.A.’s job, and will stop at nothing to get it.

The resolution of this conflict involves forensic pathology, psychology, incest, drugs, and lots of dirty tricks by the police and both attorneys. To top it all off, the final courtroom scene takes place in a unique and unexpected venue.

About the Author

Eugene Kenway and his wife Minka Scott-Friedman attended college together at the University of California at Berkeley in the fifties. He majored in Geology, and she in Anthropology and English. Mr. Kenway became an exploration geologist for an oil company, a civil engineer for the FAA, and ultimately a lawyer who practiced in Beverly Hills for many years. Mr. Kenway, who now lives in the Palm Springs area, still takes the occasional case, and is presently at work on another novel to be called Worthiest of Blood.

Blindfold of Justice is a truly gripping account of the dirty tricks used by the police, and by high-powered attorneys, as well as a suspense novel and murder mystery that is solved in the courtroom. Today’s police and attorneys can learn much from this book.