The Easterner

by Debra Hall



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/1/2002

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 436
ISBN : 9780759694736
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 436
ISBN : 9780759694743

About the Book

"The Easterner is a good uplifting story with well developed characters that immediately draw empathy from the reader. Ms. Hall proves to have a very sensitive way of expressing in a period piece many of the feelings women have towards problems of our day. Smooth but exciting reading!"

---Leo D. Paur

Director of Story Development

Feature Films for Families

Anthony Vinardi: A patriarch driven to instill tradition in his sons and daughters at any cost.

Joseph Vinardi: A firstborn son courageous enough to defy the only man who has the means to destroy him.

Amanda Vinardi: A young girl willing to give up her family and her heritage for a dream that eventually takes her across the world.

Jason Forbes: The Easterner. A man who dares to risk his life fighting to change tradition in order to claim the only woman he's ever loved.

Sylvia Sloan: The elusive woman powerful enough to change them all.

As a boy, Anthony Vinardi watched his papa toil under the hot Nebraska sun, struggling to nurture the roots he had established on the small plot of land he farmed, the land that Anthony inherited before life in a new land could offer him another choice. Still, Anthony loved the earth and he was determined that his sons and daughters would feel the same way. Never in his wildest dreams had he envisioned a force stronger than the tradition that had been instilled in him all his life. Nor was he prepared to fight the man, the Easterner, who, as a result of the stroke of a pen, could tear Anthony's dream from his very soul and scatter it into the wind.

About the Author

Debra L. Hall was born and raised in Nebraska, and has been writing fiction, including published poetry, since childhood. She lives in Nebraska with her husband of 21 years. They have two sons.

She has written many children's rhyming stories and is the author of Texas Wildflower, a historical novel available through Capper's Press in Topeka, KS. (1-800-678-5779), book I.D. # 0059. She has also published a nonfiction article on A.D.H.D. (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and has given several lectures on the same. Debra has also lectured students on critiquing fiction and poetry.

Watch for Debra's next historical novel, Winds Across the Prairie.