The Door of Judgment

by Stephen T. Crosby III



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/22/2002

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 372
ISBN : 9780759686816
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 372
ISBN : 9780759686823

About the Book

Recent world events have caused many people to wonder about the Second Coming of Christ. Will Jesus return and, if so, how soon? How will He come? What will happen before He does? Many people have developed such a fascination in the Second Coming that it borders upon escapism. They devour popular books devoted to giving the latest news of prophetic fulfillment. For them, millennial fever is rising. Sadly, most of these books offer only shallow and sensationalistic teaching. Thousands of escape all that lies ahead.

There is a real need for an in-depth and understandable book about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. In The Door of Judgment, we examine nearly every Scripture that has to do with prophecies of the end-times. Each chapter has a corresponding compilation of supporting verses located in the appendix. We will fit these together like an elaborate jigsaw puzzle, until a beautiful and complete picture of the Second Coming appears.

Along the way, the reader will learn the two undeniable and unmistakable signs that show us Jesus is coming back soon. By the end, he will gently come to the awareness that the common evangelical understanding reader will of pretribulationism is not clearly seen in the Scriptures. Without being argumentative, the book demonstrates the weaknesses of the dispensational approach to end-time prophecy, while returning us to the original historic position of the first and second century church.

About the Author

Chip Crosby graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary in 1979 (M.Div.). His writing style reflects his calling as both a pastor and a teacher. He began his ministry as a missions researcher for World Vision International, writing books and articles concerning the identification of unreached people groups, as well as the status of Christianity. Since 1991, he has served as an adjunct professor at LIFE Bible College, where he teaches courses in Homiletics, Systematic Theology, and Eschatology. In addition, he has been a pastor since 1986. Currently, he is the senior pastor of Harbor Light Foursquare Church, P.O. Box 10128, Cost Mesa, CA 92627. E-mail: