Willows Gate


by Michael W. Maynard



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/8/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781418462109
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9781418446222

About the Book

For thirty-years, Philip has ignored the rumors and whispers about his father. He only knew, that during a raging storm, his father ran away and disappeared into the darkness.

Now Philip must face the same horror that drove his father insane. Will Philip be able to face what lies beyond Willows Gate, or will he lose his children to the evil that awaits them.

Join Philip on his journey of survival, mystery and magic. Where the physical world collides with the spiritual realm. Where a crow and a lone timber wolf guide him on his quest to save his children from evil changelings.


From the warmth of the womb we are expelled into this existence of endless uncertainties and insecurity. Into a journey, which relentlessly compels us to search the great expanse beyond our own fleshly boundaries.

In Willows Gate, Michael W. Maynard leads us down a spiritual path that evokes every aspect of the human experience. The struggles of that journey we must take, known as 'Life'.

Masterfully weaving both imagery and storytelling, Michael unfolds a story that will not only captivate your imagination, but will ignite your own inner voice into action. Searching for your own answers to life's many mysteries.

Steve Free & Susan Sammons
Accomplished Songwriters and Poets

About the Author

After placing overall winner in a national competition, and receiving representation of a manager and agent in Los Angeles, Michael had some choices to make. Move to Los Angeles or stay home, in Walterboro, South Carolina, population of thirty-eight thousand.

He chose another route and attended film school. After graduating top of his class and voted outstanding student, he went on to write Willows Gate novella (a short novel) for Coppola’s, Zoetrope.com. The novella was derived from the original screenplay, and true to its form, it received nine stars out of a possible ten.

This is the novel and screenplay that followed.

“It is my pleasure to invite you on a journey into my soul, where blood is thicker than water.”