Divorce Me Not Our Kid

by Mary McNeill



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/8/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 204
ISBN : 9780759694323

About the Book

Children, especially special needs children, often are thrown away in a divorce. Divorce in itself is painful for the spouse left behind; but for the special needs children it is complete agony. Why? They lose their family and believe they caused the loss. This leads to all sorts of improper behavior, even suicide attempts.

The book details many of the problems the author experienced in trying to raise a special needs child in these circumstances. Also, it talks about trying to re-establish a family and weirdoes encountered along the way.

Although the subject is painful, the author has managed to find humor in her pain. That humor carries over into her discussion of her problems with obesity as well.

About the Author

The author, the mother of a special needs child, experienced a painful and bitter divorce. Since that divorce, she has struggled to raise her child with virtually no help and often interference from the father. Although she has remarried, the problems with her child have not abated.

She believes she has a mission to write this book hoping that others may benefit from her experiences. She feels that if she saves just one family then it has all been worthwhile.

The author always keeps her humor even in the darkest of times. That humor keeps her alive.