Stand Tough

by William F. Martin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/13/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781403303400
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781403303394

About the Book

In a bygone era, the cowboys of the Old West spent the best parts of their lives working to maintain cattle ranches, to breed and raise livestock and to drive cattle to market. The luckiest of those spent their time on the very ranch that their father, and perhaps their grandfather, had built – living out hard-earned legacies that gave them clear priorities and, if they were truly fortunate, more family to carry on when their time ended.

Stand Tough begins William Martin’s tale which is set within that era – but even then, there were men who had been cheated out of their rightful inheritances by others who were willing to use any means to get the land, money and power they desired. The survivors of our Old West weren’t always the proud or the righteous; often, those left standing were among history’s most sinister characters.

Having acknowledged the villains of this period, it should be noted that America’s history also reveals a solid consistency in producing worthy opponents to them – each of whom has stood for our country’s most revered values. Entering the world of Stand Tough, readers meet such a man. Despite overwhelming odds, Clint Mason reveals the power of one... and single-handedly sets out to defend what remains of his family and their land at all costs. Experiencing Clint’s covert travails as he re-enters the land of his youth as a full-grown man, as he comes to grasp the depths of the troubles his brother has suffered and the desperate state of his family’s land and their neighboring ranches, we see how sharp wits and sure-handed action can begin to conquer the unknown and the unjust.

Mr. Martin wishes to acknowledge the inspiration provided by his favorite uncle, the late Tom Weatherholt, who was a professional truck driver by trade. It was at the age of eight, while accompanying his Uncle Tom on a trip from Kentucky to New York City, sleeping aboard that big rig and eating at truck stops, that the author was introduced to Zane Grey. He also offers many thanks to Roger Darnell for his support in the editing of this book.

About the Author

William F. Martin was born on a Kentucky farm and moved west in the mid-sixties on an assignment with the federal government’s program to help Native Americans.  His assignment to Santa Fe, New Mexico, began a lifetime love affair with the American West.  His writing interest was developed with the publishing of many technical journal articles and textbooks on environmental and engineering issues.  He has given numerous papers and speeches, both domestically and internationally.


After assignments in South Dakota, Arizona, and Texas, he has lived near the Gulf of Mexico on Treasure Island, Florida, and in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Boone, North Carolina.