Good Wednesday and the Fallacies of Easter Palm Saturday and the Infallibility of the Scriptures

The Chronicles Parts 1 and 2

by Paul E. Moss



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/1/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781403311849
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781403311856

About the Book

Paul started this study in the early eighties. This is his first major work and critical study. Research for the past twenty years has ended. He is ready to share what he has found. The title of the book is Good Wednesday Palm Saturday, Fallacies of Easter and the Infallibility of the Holy Scriptures. Its two studies in one, but some how he connects them with a string of different but relative studies each standing on it’s on. He calls these studies The Chronicles.

Paul remembers as a small boy in Memphis, Tennessee attending the Early Grove Baptist Church, that he recall’s asking himself the question on an Easter Sunday. The question was, how do you get three days from Friday to Sunday? That was over fifty-five years ago. After years of study and research the issue is quite clear. Jesus Christ is a Jew. Born under Jewish law and Jewish traditions. Paul also realizes there are two issues at stake. One is the trustworthiness of the Bible. The other is whether Jesus is truly God. Because If Jesus only spent thirty-six hours in the tomb, that is, from Friday at 6:00 p.m. until Sunday at 6:00 a.m. The Bible is deemed incorrect and Jesus is a false prophet. Jesus himself, said that he would spend three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, just as Jonah had spent three days and three nights in the belly of a great fish. Matthew 12:38-40.

It seems normal that throughout the whole world the crucifixion of Christ is held on "Good Friday" and that the resurrection is acknowledged on Sunday morning at dawn. Why do Christians and none-Christians alike accept the Friday to Sunday burial of Christ? Probably just tradition. It’s always been that way and anyway any part of the day constitute a whole day. What different does it make? He died and he rose that’s the important thing, right? In the pages to comes you will read the chronology of the crucifixion week, after reading this book what decision will you make regarding this issue?

The Second Chronicle

The Bible is the only book that tells man where he came from and where he is going. It is the only book in the world that tells man where he needs to go and how to get there. Where he will spend eternity and why. What you read in the follow pages will take you to the edge of eternity.

By writing this book I hope I can motivate someone to read the Bible, study and seek to see whether these things are true. In the second chronicle the book will point to the notion that earth is only six thousand or more years old. And that in year 3000 A. D. the earth will only be 7000 years old. Not even fifty thousand years old as carbon dating suggests. Carbon dating however accurate still has to make assumptions. You will also read about the harmony of the Holy Scriptures. How mathematics proves the inerrancy of the Bible. And that numbers are very important in Scripture otherwise they wouldn’t be there. Also, the science of archaeology has continued to confirm the amazing accuracy of the Bible, even when the theories of man have contradicted it for many years.

It is my hope that you read this book with an honest desire to know the truth. I believe I have presented the truth of the Scripture. However, truth can be found yet in other places. When you least expect it. Some of you have assumed all your life that the Irish potato is Irish; no it’s not Irish. It’s a tuber plant and it came from Peru. Mustard Gas is not a gas. It’s a volatile liquid. Peanuts are not nuts. They are beans. June bug is not a bug. It’s a May beetle. The horned toad is not a toad. It’s a lizard. The English horn is not a horn, nor is it English. It’s French and it is a woodwind. Finally, from my own study I find that Palm Sunday is really Palm Saturday and Good Friday is really Good Wednesday. The trouble is, that most people don’t know, that the trouble with most people isn’t so much their ignorance, they just know so many things that aren’t so.

About the Author

Paul E. Moss was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. For the past thirty years he has lived in Kansas City, Missouri. He is married to his wife of thirty-two years, Ima Jean Higgs-Moss. Paul Elbert and Ima have two daughters, Candi and Sandi . His educational background commenced at Lester High School in Memphis, Tennessee. His higher education includes Lane College, Jackson Tennessee, Memphis State University, Memphis, University of Utah Extension, Kansas City, Carver Bible College, Kansas City, and Calvary Theological Seminary, Kansas City Missouri.

For the past twenty-one years, Paul has worked for the Kansas City Board of Election Commissioners. Paul and his family is a long time member of the Covenant Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, Missouri. They have been attending Covenant church for over thirty years. Paul enjoys serving in the church, and singing in the choir. His hobbies are cooking, telling unfunny jokes, playing the Saxophone, reading and writing. Paul has a tremendous love for Jesus, a love for learning, and a passion for writing. He enjoys reading, memorizing, and studying the Bible. He has plans of starting his next book on the unique facts of the Bible or this must be the Word of God.