A Poetic Journey Through Life
Book Details
About the Book
A Poetic Journey Through Life
This book of poetry creates an awareness of such issues as spousal abuse, violence, addiction and single parenting. It also contains poems about lust, anger frustration, marriage, death and a host of other things that everyone regardless or race, creed or color face. I hope it will not only touch hearts and engage minds, but that it will inspire others to take an active role and help right so many of the wrongs that plague American society.
About the Author
One evening during my undergraduate years at Prairie View A&M, I truly began to understand William Wordsworth's definition of poetry. Powerful feelings of homesickness struck me and burst forth on a blank sheet of paper. For the first time, I had given birth to a literary form that has been around for ages. Prior to the experience that I'd received studying literature in school, I'd never attempted composing a poem that did not deal with schoolwork. Though, I was only an hour away from home; it cleansed my head and heart to purge myself on paper. Once the poem was completed, I was amazed that I composed it. This was quite a discovery to make at the age of nineteen, considering the fact that I was an engineering major. Soon, I realized that engineering was not my calling after a terrible semester so I became a communications major. Many people entering the field of communications select broadcast journalism, but I didn't desire to be seen on television or heard on the radio. I selected print journalism. Besides, print journalism allowed me to do something that I enjoyed so well -WRITE. After completing my degree, I began teaching high school journalism, which issued me a bit of a challenge because I never had anything to do with a yearbook, but I knew that I could handle it with a little help from the senior yearbook staff. Producing the school's yearbook followed the same principle as publishing the newspaper. What complicated the job of high school journalism advisers is blending the capacities of teaching, the technical aspects and sponsoring. Though, I love the task of being a high school journalism adviser; it takes me away from my dream of being a full time writer. Therefore, I must put teaching aside to pursue my dream. Because when dreams cease to exist, we fail to find a reason for living.