The V-Files

The Truth is In Here

by Nelson Onit Vazqueztell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/21/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781403303974
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781403303967

About the Book

In becoming a poet, I’ve noticed that I now pay strict attention to every detail around me. I used to take my surroundings for granted, and I didn’t always pay close attention to everything there was to notice. Welcome! Welcome once again to another book of poetry and to my wild, creative and imaginative mind. In this second poetry book I hope you find the stories much more interesting, the comedy much more refreshing and that the romance takes you to a few nostalgic moments of your own.

You may notice that this second collection of my work is a little different to my first, TRUTH, COMEDY & POETRY for ALL, in that there are not as many love poems. This time around, I wanted to express a little more of my other sides instead of just the romance. So I decided, sure, there is still going to be plenty of ‘heart felt tales’ in here, but there will be more emphasis on the serious and comic aspects this time around. I also made most of the poems much, much shorter. I wanted to make sure there wouldn’t be constant thoughts of, "Gee, this poem is a little too long and therefore I am uncontrollably daydreaming due to the length of this ‘study-hall’ of a poem." Then again, according to my test group, it seems that the long stories here are pretty good. But you can be the judge of that.

The reason I wrote my first book was to get others into reading poetry and writing some of their own. However, the reason I wanted to write this second book was because I wanted to know that if I were to die tomorrow, I would leave something behind that could still make people smile or think. I wanted to create something that would last and be appreciated for generations to come. I wanted to leave behind a mark of my existence. And so here is my book.

If you haven’t read my first book, well, I want to start over with a "Hello." I am a fairly new poet and writer who will either make you think, laugh or say, "My God this romantic material is going to come in handy for the next time I meet someone I like." Whatever the scenario, I just want to remind everyone that we all have three sides to us. We may not show all of them every day, but within all of us exists a serious side, a humorous side and a romantic side. In both of my poetry books I show my different characters, and then some. Especially, in THE V-FILES.

About the Author

My first poetry book, TRUTH, COMEDY & POETRY for ALL, has sold quite well without even advertising, just by word-of mouth. And now, a year later, I am back with my whole new collection, THE V-FILES, of tales that will let my readers get even deeper into the mind of the creative and romantic, story telling nut that I am. This new worded ‘album’ of thoughts is guaranteed to let my readers see how I view the world and my true life. I am fascinated with analyzing how our thinking changes and how we continue to ‘evolve’ over time and learn from our past mistakes in relationships and in life. And as it is evident in THE V-FILES and TRUTH, poetry gives me the freedom to do just that. And better yet, through poetry I can express exactly what I feel and think without having to worry about every one of those imprisoning rules of grammar and punctuation.

Poetry is how I like to express what fills my mind, and this time I’ve crossed even further into story telling. I love to entertain and to share my true emotions and tales, and within V-FILES you will hopefully be enthralled by the stories and totally fascinated by the sincerity of my words. As many of my readers say, my creativity and my honesty are what get them to continue reading. I personally write simply because I love to-- getting fans and praise along the way are just great gifts and benefits that came with the hobby of writing.

Who would have thought that a guy born and raised in tough old Brooklyn would have ended up a published poet? Hell, make that a second time, self-published poet. Well, I’ve made it this far, and the plans don’t stop here folks. This twenty-four-year-old poet and writer is now working on a comic joke book, HAVE YOU HEARD THE ONE ABOUT . . ., a story-end-choosing erotica tales compilation DARC, and a trilogy of thriller vampire/werewolf legend novels CODENAMES: VAMP & WOLF. All of the above have been projects that the fans are asking for, and I never disappoint the fans. And if I ever do, they are always free to e-mail me and tell me at the e-address that I provide in my books. However, there have been no complaints from my loyal fans or any other readers so far.