Behind the Front

by W. Richard Bruner



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/2/2002

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781403310859
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9781403310842

About the Book

Film producer David Brown describes the author this way: "When I met Richard Bruner . . . during World War II, I was instantly impressed by his journalistic savvy and extraordinary background in war and peace. He covered the war for the Armed Forces newspaper, Stars and Stripes, with distinction, grace and wit."

Dick’s memoir has just about everything – humor, passion, intrigue, pathos, horror, compassion and a lot of insight. In Behind the Front, Dick takes readers through his first-hand experiences as a correspondent with the Army newspaper during the Nazi blitz in London and the Tunisian campaign in North Africa.

In London, Dick met famed author and correspondent Quentin Reynolds and also interviewed screen gangster Edward G. Robinson. In Glasgow, he met his first lesbians.

In Tunisia, Dick got what some claimed was the first interview with a German prisoner of war. He was also under direct fire along with American war correspondents including the beloved Ernie Pyle.

As the "Yank About Town" columnist and broadcaster on the Armed Forces radio station, Dick takes readers through a fascinating press conference by General George C. Marshall. He also interviewed Bob Hope, John Garfield, Humphrey Bogart, George Raft, Ann Sheridan, Frederic March and Al Jolson.

About the Author



W. Richard Bruner, known as Dick Bruner, was drafted in 1941 and in early 1942 sailed in a convoy to London, arriving during the Nazi blitz. That December, Bruner joined the staff of the Army newspaper, The Stars and Stripes, in London and later, in North Africa.

Four years later, after discharge, his former Colonel at S&S, Egbert White, recommended Dick for a job in New York at Printers' Ink Magazine, a weekly, covering the advertising business. Bruner served on the editorial staff of P.I. for twenty-three years, the last eight as Executive Editor.

During that period, Dick co-edited two books along with David Brown, the famous motion picture producer. I Can Tell it Now and How I Got That Story, were anthologies featuring the derring-do of famous journalists. Bruner authored chapters in both books.

After leaving P.I., Bruner founded and served as Executive Director of the Better Business Bureau, serving six New York counties: Westchester, Putnam, Dutchess, Orange, Ulster and Sullivan. Twenty years later he retired to Florida.