Broken to Serve

by Renee Locke



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/16/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781403316400
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781403316394

About the Book

This is a short book of revelation. I reveal the life struggle of one of God’s children who, if not for prayer, would have been lost and we would not have had the opportunity to share the gift that God has placed in her.

This book will hopefully allow you to see yourself in some of what this author has gone through in her life. It reveals the inner most struggles that she has experienced and in some ways still striving to overcome. This author has laid out her life before you with a desire to reach someone who have been or who is presently experiencing some of the same struggles that she has had. Her prayer is that this revelation knowledge will help to ease some of the pain.

About the Author

Reneé Locke was born and raised in Los Angles California. Today, Reneé is a highly regarded teacher in spiritual development and inner healing. Throughout her life, Reneé has encountered many struggles, personally, professionally, and as a parent of two boys. Over the past twenty years Reneé has taken the challenges, triumphs, and pitfalls of her life and presented them to others as an exposé of the human being’s pursuit for God, social acceptance, and the struggles to live beyond inner pain. In her book Broken to Serve," Reneé uses her life and her discoveries as examples and tools for the reader to learn and grow.