The Devil's Minion

by Jennifer Ethridge



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/1/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 352
ISBN : 9781403327154
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 352
ISBN : 9781403327147

About the Book

Stevenson is a detective who finds out that she is on this planet for a completely different reason than she expected. She finds herself investigating mysterious murders that were so brutal; they could not be easily explained. In her search for the truth she finds out, with the help of a priest, that the felon she seeks, was not a man, but rather a hideous beast. Her investigation takes her on a wild ride of death and destruction of biblical proportions. Seeing the destruction of whole cities and the brutal deaths of innocent people across the globe. Her only job is to stop the destruction before mankind itself, is destroyed. Stevenson finds herself examining her own faith in God, and the devil, and finds herself wondering if it were possible for one person to save an entire planet. Can she save humanity from the destruction that it has brought upon itself?

About the Author

Jennifer Ethridge was born in Portsmouth VA in June of 1973. Not long after that her mother moved to California, where she grew up in the bay area with her two brothers, mostly in Benicia and Vallejo. When she was 13 the family moved to Kansas City MO, and later moved to Raymore MO, where she graduated from High School and then attended college in Lee’s Summit.

In 1988, following the death of her older brother, Jennifer began to realize her full potential as a writer. She began to write some of her first short stories, some of which, where never finished. After graduation she attended Longview Community College, where she attended an English course, which helped her to ‘fine tune’ her descriptive writing, and inspiring her to do more.

Throughout the years Jennifer always wanted to be a writer, having scored 2nd highest in her class, in an essay competition in the 4th grade, and then publishing her first poem in the 7th grade in 1988. She has written several short stories, most never seen by others, but hopes to be able to publish them soon as well. The Devils Minion is her first full-length novel, and is a great accomplishment for her.

Jennifer herself loves to read, and has been inspired by such great writers as Steven King, her favorite author, Dean Koontz and H.P. Lovecraft. Jennifer now lives in Olathe Ks with her son Caleb, as a single mother. Because of this Jennifer plans to finish her college education and actively pursue a career in Journalism.