What is life all about
if not trial and error
What is life all about
if not to conquer or to
be conquered
What is life all about
if not to lose before
you win
What is life all about
if not to have a forgiving heart
Always move forward by
starting over
What is life all about
if not to be like the
turtle by climbing into
a shell in order to be
able to stay focused on
who you are
Never lose your identity
Come out when you want
to be controlled and de-
bate unpleasantness
Conserve your energy
What is life all about
if not to go where no
one else has done
Dare to be different
Pray for God’s help
What is life all about
if not to know that with-
out hard work, some sorrow
along with set backs and de-
feat there can be no better
What is life all about if
not to think positive when
everything around you has
When others believe it is
impossible based on what
they can handle
When illness consumes you
When others want to in-
fluence you for their own
self gain toward their
future plans
Life is still grand
What is life all about if
not having to succeed es-
pecially for someone else
The urgency to do
What is life all about if
not to learn from past mis-
What is life all about if
not to allow for your flaws
and the flaws of other human
What is life all about if not
to lend a helping hand to some-
one in need
What is life all about if not
to remember all past memories
Frozen in time
With some regrets
What is life all about if not
to be happy for another human
What is life all about if not
to give love, be loved and to
love yourself
Love God and heaven
What is life all about if
not to give a penny and to
know that it will be given
back abundantly
Lucky you
What is life all about if
not to know that age is
meaningless when it comes
to fulfilling your dreams
What is life all about if
not to know that if you
fail try, try, try again
Allow for setbacks
Take a break then start over
Change your thinking, your
strategy and direction
Trust in God and all the
talents that he gave you
Pray it will restore your
mind, energy, body and soul
What is life if not to know
that what goes around comes
Wait and see
Nurture yourself in spite
of deep emotional pain
What is life about if not
to know that when walking
through a very dark tunnel
you will discover light and
good fortune on the other
Stay spiritual
What is life all about
if not to know that God
wants you happy, making
good choices, prosperous
from all his gifts to you
including eternal life
look up
Free yourself of fear and
Allow life to flow
Try things that make you
You hold the key to unlock
the door to happiness and
May the life force of the
solar system be with you